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Recent content by Liriano

  1. L

    Election Day

    Oh come now, how come no one started an Election Day Thread? I haven't signed on in so long, I thought someone would have. Oh well, how many of you are actually voting?
  2. L

    How many homes does John McCain own?

    Yeah maybe all of the POW's should run for President. I doubt they have the money that McCain has though.
  3. L

    The media

    Re: John Sidney McCain III's Running Mate not really, depends on what station and network your tuning in to. for example fox news is definitely a republican network while cnn leans towards democrats.
  4. L

    John Sidney McCain III's Running Mate

    wow its hard to believe that was once her. she has aged though, but still isnt' bad for a 44 year old. as for the biden article, i think his quote was used more as a mock of himself.
  5. L

    John Sidney McCain III's Running Mate

    This was perhaps the smartest move McCain has made during his campaign, a move which may very well push him over the top in what appears to be a very close election. I have to say though, she is not hot despite what some people are saying. Seriously, I don't see it.
  6. L

    Somewhat Controversial 2008 election

    I would like for you to show me a credible source, explaining how he knows "nothing." Until then I'm going to disregard the comment. We've already discussed the "experience" issue here before, but we can continue. If it is age that you are using as an estimate of experience, you need to...
  7. L

    Somewhat Controversial 2008 election

    Could you elaborate for me on how Obama scares the *** out of you. Is it that his middle name is Hussein, or maybe because Obama kind of sounds like Osama?
  8. L

    i would but the chatroom software doesn't really work well with my computer, sorry.

    i would but the chatroom software doesn't really work well with my computer, sorry.
  9. L

    Somewhat Controversial Lowering the Drinking age

    yea sure why not? minors do it anyway. drinking only becomes a problem when you have too much, in which case it is already illegal to operate a car or machinary. if ur allowed to go to war at 18, why can't you drink?
  10. L


    I don't think your alone on that. but yea this topic is making more and more people concerned and I don't think it will just blow over.
  11. L


    I'm surprised that i have not seen a thread on this issue. maybe i missed it but it is a major current event and i'm sure many of you have a say on it. So President Bush has warned Russia to pull back in Georgia. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080811/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_russia_georgia What do you...
  12. L

    Dark Knight sequel?

    i know right? i thought that kid who lost his mom in batman begins at the end was gonna be him but eh who knows.
  13. L

    Dark Knight sequel?

    yea just saw the Dark Knight, really thought it was good. I cant help but wonder if they'll make a sequel because the ending really made it seem like they will, but I haven't heard anythin about it. Also does anyone speculate that catwoman will make an appearance, after lucius fox's comment.
  14. L

    Gun Control

    People should go through more tests to make sure they are mentally fit to have one. No they shouldn't be outlawed entirely, but it is way to easy to get one and some people have guns that really shouldn't, cops included.
  15. L

    Extremely Controversial Gay Marriage

    eh they can do it, as long as they keep it low key.