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Hello guys and girls,

My name is Anna, and I was born and raised in Illinois. I am proud to be a fan of video games, sports, music, and sometimes even anime.(not big on it anymore, though. anime that is..) I'm 22 years old, and I worked at a local retail store to pay for my gaming needs, and personal needs.

Whenever I am not gaming, hanging out with friends, and having a good time in the outdoors with friends and family
United States of America
Favorite Legend of Zelda Game
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
Other Favorite Games
Mario Series,
Early Final Fantasy Series,
The Elder Scrolls Series,
Mass Effect Series




  1. 10

    Heart Container

    Your content has been liked 50 times. You must be posting some fantastic stuff!
  2. 5

    I Like it Like That

    You've received at least 15 likes on your content. Keep posting great stuff!
  3. 2

    Somebody Likes You

    Somebody out there liked one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
  4. 50

    Hylian Pioneer

    This trophy was awarded to all Pre-2013 Zelda Sages members. Not only are they totally awesome, they have this nifty trophy to show for it.
  5. 5

    One Month Anniversary

    You've been a registered member of the community for one month. Happy anniversary! 5pts.
  6. 3

    Dawn of the Second Week

    You've been a member of the community for one week. Keep coming back for more!
  7. 2

    First Message

    You made your first post. Congratulations!