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The first 2013 Thread


The Great Sage of The Seven Sages
Hello everyone... TGS, ZeldaGuardian here. I know this thread will probably be placed away because it's not exactly meant for chat... But I decided to post the first new thread of 2013. I hope everyone made their new resolutions and are sticking to them. As for me, I made my own. 2013 will reveal many things and I hope everyone enjoys themselves this year. Have a great time and enjoy 2013, everyone.

~The Great Sage, ZeldaGuardian~
I've got a resolution, stop procrastinating! Seriously!

Hope yours is a great 2013 as well ZeldaGuardian. Good to see you around these parts.
Well, although we're already in the 2nd month of 2012, it's better late than never! I hope everyone has a great year! :)
Yes, it's good to finally be back around and more often than I was before... And Windmage?? Unless you have a time-machine, it's the 2nd month of 2013, not 2012?? XD Typos...
Lol I know the feeling... I did the same thing, a week ago... I was signing the lease to my new house and I accidentally put the date, but I put 2011 on it... She pointed it out and I laughed about it. Of course I changed it, but it was just showing how tired I was... Working a lot of hours tends to deprive you of sleep... XD
Yeah, I keep putting 2012 on all my assignments. Which is really bad, because a lot of my professors are super strict about plagiarism/reusing your previous work, so if they see 2012 on the paper they might report you.

Other than date confusion, 2013 is alright so far. Guess we'll all see what it has in store for us later.
2013's been good to me so far. I'm back here with some old friends, so that alone makes it better, eh? As for other things going on, I just picked up Bioshock which is helping make 2013 even better, and at the same time I'm building my resume to send off to high schools near my college so I can start student teaching next semester, which is always exciting.

I also learned that a final report for one of my classes was so strong, it's already been sent by the professor (with my permission) to at least one high school student to cite as a scholarly source for one of their own presentations.
I'm glad to hear that everyone is having a great 2013. As for me, I am starting a new adventure with a new girl. I'm currently working on publishing my Third Book. I'm still in school (Grand Canyon University) and I'm studying for my Teaching and Music Education Degrees. Soon, I'll be celebrating my 24th birthday... Grr, I feel like the oldest member here in ZS. I hope that's not true. XD

Oh and Ultima, I'm glad to hear that. Sounds like a great accomplishment. :)