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  1. Ides Of March

    icon issue

    is it my computer or is it your website? my avatar disappeared, as did many other people's. they simply don't show up. I'm just getting a line of text that says "Ides of March's avatar" can you fix this, webmaster?
  2. Ides Of March

    Broken Telephone!

    I figure I'd get a game started... it's called broken telephone. We used to play it in my theatre group. Basically, it's like regular telephone, except instead of repeating the word, you blurt out the first word that comes to mind when hearing that word (and it has to be different from the...
  3. Ides Of March

    Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

    I'm suck a geek that I went looking for some movie clips and I actually found some. So how do y'all think the movie is going to be? If it's anything like the last 3, it's going to be a huge disappointment. Nonetheless, I am sad that its release date was moved to July. Anyway, here's a link...
  4. Ides Of March

    New Year's Resolutions

    This forum has been dead so I thought I'd bring it back to life by posting a new thread. Of course, it'll return to the grave if no one posts, so POST DARN IT!! Well, are you going to do anything or do you think the idea of New Year's resolutions is absolutely ridiculous? If you are doing...
  5. Ides Of March

    Angry Iraqi Man Throws Shoes at President Bush

    During a news conference in Baghdad, an angry Iraqi threw shoes at President Bush's head. He was screaming insults at the president in Arabic and had to be dragged out of the room. It is apparently a huge insult to have shoes thrown at one's head in the Middle Eastern culture. I have the...
  6. Ides Of March

    Arrgh i don't believe this!

    http://hollywoodinsider.ew.com/2008/08/news-flash-harr.html ARRRGHHH! Read the article and I'm sure you'll agree with me. All I can say is, why? Why? WHY????
  7. Ides Of March


    I know we discussed this, but I'm serious!! The same way you can kick or silence a user, you should be able to 'soap' them for swearing too heavily or speaking profanity. You know, something like, "user [Ides of March] has been soaped." And when they try to type stuff within the span of 30...
  8. Ides Of March

    "bucket lists"

    That's right, it's where you make a list of all the things you want to do before you kick the bucket. As depressing as it may sound, it's actually a lot of fun. And as a friend of mine says, "Once it's on your bucket list, you've got to do it no matter what." Oh so true!! So, just for fun...