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Search results

  1. P

    Currently listening to?

    Dear John movie trailer!! :D
  2. P

    Currently listening to?

    Gunnin' by Hedley
  3. P

    Currently listening to?

    Hey, Soul Sister by Train
  4. P


    i havent seen it yet and i really want to! everyone is going crazy about it
  5. P

    Currently listening to?

    Blah Blah Blah by Ke$ha
  6. P

    Make a 5-Letter Acronym

    very creative yoyolll haha Life Understands Noble Children's Horses DINER
  7. P

    Currently listening to?

    hahaha that was an interesting conversation :P Hello, Brooklyn by All Time Low
  8. P

    Make a 5-Letter Acronym

    Many Attached Teachers Chilling Hideously GLOBE
  9. P

    Birthday Information: This is what I find when I'm bored

    yoyolll mine said the same exact thing as yours. thats weird.
  10. P

    New-years eve in Iceland

    wo that picture look really cool!
  11. P

    No tatl!

    haha ides i agree completely!
  12. P

    Currently listening to?

    Sweater Song by Hedley
  13. P

    Currently listening to?

    Graduation by Vitamin C this song is so true i love it :)
  14. P

    Make a 5-Letter Acronym

    Symbol Marks Its Life Everywhere YEARS
  15. P

    Currently listening to?

    For The Nights I Can't Remember by Hedley
  16. P

    Currently listening to?

    We Weren't Born To Follow by Bon Jovi
  17. P

    currently reading...

    North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley
  18. P

    Currently listening to?

    dont close this thread! i like it! Her Diamonds by Rob Thomas
  19. P

    Make a 5-Letter Acronym

    Subjects Not Infered For Freedom TACKS
  20. P


    i live in new jersey and i actually kinda like it here. so i would like to stay in the northeast area-new jersey, pennsylvania, etc.