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Currently listening to?

Ha. Good one. You were being sarcastic, I think. No, don't be stupid. It wasn't Fox.

I'm currently listening to "New Year's Day" by U2
Listening to iTunes random choices from my library while I clean. Taking a 2-minute break.

Kalinda performed by the NJ All-State Chorus 2008-2009.

Magma Burning
from the Megaman 9 AST.

Ramble On by Led Zeppelin.

Deceitful Wings {Album Mix}
from the Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana OST.

Rock and Roll
by Led Zeppelin.

Skating Away On the Thin Ice of the New Day by Jethro Tull.

Trapped in the Drive-Thru by Weird Al Yankovic.

Piano Man
by Billy Joel.

Canned Heat by Jamiroquai.

One-Winged Angel from the Kingdom Hearts II OST.

Plug Electric from the Megaman 9 AST.