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Search results

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    A Zelda Game!

    Hey, I was thinking on everybody putting together yet another game like the http://www.zeldasages.com/TLOZS-Legend of Zelda Sages game made. We could instead make it in MC style and in Game Maker 8.0 At http://www.yoyogames.com/-YoYo Games! I Have a bunch of Ideas ! If you like this Idea please...
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    All of King Mob's History

    Found on Facebook: July 13, 2010 This is a Discussion found- Your Idea's Christov: Should you have any ideas that would make for good things in a zelda game. possible sidequests, items, things you could do with items. etc. any tips. im sure King Mob, loves having all sorts of ideas at his...
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    "NEW" Super Mario Bros. wii

    Honestly, this once new game of mario bros. has gone bad! I don't think any of you have the same feelings on the game, but there are so many things that nintendo need to improve on like when you get yoshi and you finished a level, yoshi waves good-bye to mario and you move on! I mean, WTF is...
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    Can you believe it?

    Skyward Sword, the all new improved zelda game! I myself can believe a new game. But thins time, it's going cartoon again! http://www.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3...ZQiE0BgD16zatA