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Search results

  1. KingKrazyLink

    Chicken Or The Egg?

    Anyone ever think about that question? Which do you think came first? The Chicken or the Egg? I would think the egg since a chicken is hatched, but then doesnt a chicken have to lay an egg?
  2. KingKrazyLink

    Nintendo Wii U $$$

    Rumored to be sold for $600 when it's released sometime in 2012. I think it's a bit high priced, but I suppose it's too early to judge, I know already I won't be buying one for a while if it's that price.
  3. KingKrazyLink

    This guy is new

    Well I figured I'd introduce myself as KingKrazyLink a veteran to the Zelda Community and of course the gaming series. Currently Playing Skyward Sword and enjoying every minute of it.