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Nintendo Wii U $$$

Rumored to be sold for $600 when it's released sometime in 2012. I think it's a bit high priced, but I suppose it's too early to judge, I know already I won't be buying one for a while if it's that price.
Yeah, $600 is a bit much especially if the rumors are true that it's just slightly more powerful than the 360 and PS3. Although the new controller is probably gonna be expensive, so that probably greatly adds to the price.
yeah Im not sure what my take is on that controller yet, I think 1 screen would be fine, they dont need to add one to the controller IMO
$600 for a Wii U?? What is this, a PS3 moment?? This is completely outrageous. I'm hoping that it's not that expensive. Because if it is, then it better be well worth every dollar. Because let's face it. When the PS3 was released for that much, people soon realized that it really wasn't worth it. But, that's my opinion.