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Album Uploads

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We currently have a cap of 100 uploaded pictures total per user for all usergroups with album permissions (I confirmed this was your problem by logging in as you and deleting a photo as you...yes I can do that now :D). I set the cap at 100 as I was unsure how much of the effect albums would have on the site system. I planned on upping the cap per usergroup after a week or two, although I also never expected someone to upload 100 pictures in less than 24 hours.

So, the cap will go up...just after about a week or so :).

Btw, how much are you raising the cap by?
We currently have a cap of 100 uploaded pictures total per user for all usergroups with album permissions (I confirmed this was your problem by logging in as you and deleting a photo as you...yes I can do that now :D). I set the cap at 100 as I was unsure how much of the effect albums would have on the site system. I planned on upping the cap per usergroup after a week or two, although I also never expected someone to upload 100 pictures in less than 24 hours.

So, the cap will go up...just after about a week or so :).
per album or all together? If all together, that's not nearly enough... Especially if I want to fill one or 2 albums with memories from IWBTG... and other computer games I'll play. :)
All together :). How much I raise the cap by is going to depend on what my wonderful awstats analysis says after a few weeks :D. 100 was actually the default cap btw.

So yes, not sure yet. Mind you that I have only so much space on the server to store things, and although we are nowhere near our file usage limit...the limit is still in place. Rest assured, the lowest cap will still probably be 100 images...probably :D.

WOW! Even though I've set the system to store all images in the file system, just the references to images alone has already taken up 3.5 MB of space in the database. I may need to reconsider what I said about 100 photos being the lowest cap... You see, we have a limit of around 250 mb in the database which in just messages and forum whatever alone would take about 1,000,000,000 messages + to even get near filling up...even then Vbulletin gives me the option to use a slave database for duel storage, so 500 MB. However, at the rate images are going...yea
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