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An Old Glitch Some Might Not Know

The second one is no glitch. That video was recorded on a ROM, run on a computer. The person just edited some numbers which allows you to float when you press some button. This cannot be done on an game console without some hacking.


Here's one that someone, I can't remember who, had a picture of, and now here's the video........THE ARWING GLITCH!!! http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/51928.html

I don't feel like finding more, so thanks for watching, but remember, these ARE NOT my videos. I don't know how to do some, like the arwing one.

Ok, thank you Captain, sorry for misleading anyone or seeming like I had a cool glitch. Please tell me any more problems.
Again, those are not glitches, they are hacks. ;) Very interesting, though. :D

PS, all of those posts could be consolidated into one. Double posting, or x5 posting is a waste of space. :p
Oh, I'm sorry, I just wanted to get them on fast so everyone could see them. my fav is the Arwing HACK.=)