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Anger Managment


Sage in Training
OMG, I love this movie! It's with Adam Sandler and the he has to go to anger management therapy or something because he was on a plan and the flight attendents... well whatever you have to see it! Who else has seen it?
Yeah it is funny! Except they set him up from the begining. Lol, "Sir, I will not tolerate any racist comments on the plane" "Sir our country is going through a very hard time right now."

Oh when the guy has to live with him, and he says "You know, it is normal for 7 or 8 men to sleep in 1 bed in Europe." Then Sandler says "Well, that's why I am proud to be an American."

Yeah, I could watch that movie all day. Click is a awesome movie with Sandler too. :)
Thats when he went to the bar... i forgot the details but it resulted as him ending up in court again and getting into the special program :D