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Best Music

Two of my favorites are The Ballad of the Windfish, and the Song of Healing.

As for BGM, the Gerudo Valley music is really good. Of course so is the rendition of Song of Storms in the Windmill.
My top picks:
Stone Tower Temple
Forest Temple
Song of Healing
Zelda's Lullaby
the Great Sea
Sheik's Theme

Well, the Great Sea theme was just another version of the The Legend of Zelda theme, but it was my favorite one.
I really liked:
Gerudo Vally
Zelda's Lullaby
Beleru of Fire
The Calling of the Four Giants
Stone Tower Temple
Windwaker Ocean Theme
Tower of the Gods (Windwaker)
Pretty much everything from Minish Cap.
I really liked:
Gerudo Vally
Zelda's Lullaby
Beleru of Fire
The Calling of the Four Giants
Stone Tower Temple
Windwaker Ocean Theme
Tower of the Gods (Windwaker)
Pretty much everything from Minish Cap.

The Minish Cap had some great music! Vaati's Castle and the Cloudtops area were my favorite.
- Overworld Theme (LoZ)
- Gerudo Valley (LoZ: OoT)
- Dragon Roost Island (LoZ: WW)
- Saria's Song (LoZ: OoT)