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Book I - The Sages of the Creators


The Great Sage of The Seven Sages

Here it is, my fellow Zelda Sages... Book I - The Sages of the Creators is finally released to the world at Amazon.com. The price is $15.99 per Paperback. I hope that you read the review and think about possibly purchasing this phenomenal Book. Here's the Book review:

One time, within an era that existed before life began, there laid a counsel of powerful beings. Among the Seven of them, there was one that was named the leader. They called him The Great Sage. During a powerful galactic war, The Seven Sages were scattered and defeated, but not forgotten. The Great Sage entrusted his Apprentice to keep the Staff of Sages safe and hidden from enemies. Many moons have passed and upon a world called Earth, a young boy that always felt he didn't belong, was going to get his chance to prove who he is... The Sages of the Creators is a fictional phenomenon that crosses reality of life with the reality of Video Games. All characters are owned by their respectful owners and creators. This is a Book of love and loss... An adventure that begins by continuing the mission, once bestowed upon The Great Sage... A quest for The Seven Sages that were once together, begins with an awakening...

Do consider buying a copy of my Book. Much thanks.

~The Great Sage, ZeldaGuardian~
Wow, I'm sorry but just based on the cover and description it looks horrible.

I know people say not to base a book by it's cover, but it looks like it was drawn by a five-year-old in Microsoft Paint. I mean, really. It reminds me of back in fifth grade we had the chance to do something similar, except with a picture book, and a lot of them looked like the cover of your book.

Second, the description. To begin with, there is no flow in the description at all. It's really chunked, and broken, and hard to follow. If this is any indication of the writing in the book itself, I doubt I could read the book. Next, how was there no life, and sages, and a war? I think for there to be sages and a war there has to be some sort of life. And finally, you say "All characters are owned by their respectful owners and creators", although aren't you supposed to ask permission to use said characters, etc. if using them in a story that is being sold for profit?

All that being said, I really think $16 is a bit overpriced for a "self-published" 106 page book. But, I'm curious. How many copies have you sold? What was the up-front fee charged by the company to publish the book, and have the sales made up for that charge?
ZG, I think I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on this one. Might be an interesting read, who knows. I might end up purchasing a copy come summer time when I actually have money again. Nice work with getting your stuff published!
Dakare, why can't you let me have anything?? This is one of my biggest achievements in my life.

One, the Cover is SUPPOSED to look like a first-time thing (like the NES). It's the first of four Books. It's gonna be better looking, at every next Book. And why don't you read it?? It's actually a College Level read. I presented it to my English Teachers (and all of them have Doctorate Degrees in English Writing). Soo, why don't you actually read it??

Two, everything is copyrighted and to their rightful and respectful owners. I made sure everything was authentic and complete. And the description isn't broken or too chunky. I went through over 25 different re-writes to get it right.

Dakare, why don't you just let me have this one accomplishment?? My only other accomplishment is completing 3 FULL CD of Concert Band Compositions from Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and Legend of Zelda.