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Build your army


Submit your description of your awsome legions of terror! Build it in terms of land, sea, air, and even space! If you want to, you can even add a reinforcements clause to your arsenal. Rules are pretty basic: no flaming, copying of others' ideas, or obvious 'everything you have only more'. Rank means nothing here, and admins and members alike are on equal ground (army-wise, all site rules still apply). You may reuse your army from the 'My awsome fleet' thread if you have one, but remember - add your own personal touch. As a capper, every army has a general whose existance is crucial to the survival of his army. After all armies have been submitted, the battle shall begin!

My army: Necromantic legions led by Dashlar the Fallen
1. Foot troops
Let's look at it this way: how many humans have died EVER? Something in the whereabouts of 93,000,000,000,000 (93 trillion). Animated via certain dark magicks, you now have an army of equal number, with a few hundred thousand being sacrificed to create bone golems. I doubt that many bullets have been made.

2. Sea forces
Can you say ghost ships? Good. Now say it several hundred thousand times.

3. Air forces
Dragon zombies. You say they never existed, and therefore could not be reanimated, but they would like to disagree. Violently.

4. Space forces
Who needs 'em? Send a couple ghosts, spectres, and other incoporeal horrors to kill the crew of a ship and use that. Freshly crewed with a new batch of undead, of course. All that power used on the life support systems was wasted anyway, and would be very useful strengthening the shields.

5. Reinforcements
Every foe my army fells is another one under my control, unless the incoporeal get to him first. Then I get another specialty soldier, AND a new corpse to animate. Score!
General Warlord: Dakare Krites the Great
1 Imprium "Ultra" Class Star Destroyer(literally a Death Star gun in a Star Destroyer) "The Decimator"
1 Sovereign Class Star Destroyer "War Hammer"
1 Eclipse Class Star Destroyer "The Negotiator"
^all have shields strong enough to ram ships as large as Imperial II Star Destroyer without harm.
1 Super Class Star Destroyer "Galaxy Wraith"
20 Victory Class Star Destroyers
10 Imperial II Class Star Destroyers
10 Interdictor Class Star Destroyers(all have gravity well generators)
50 Nebula B frigates
300 Correlian Corvettes
70 Squadrons of remade Mk II Jedi Starfighters
20 Squadrons of B-Wing bombers

Secret Weapons(hardly ever used):
Salvaged Cloning technology
Remade Galaxy Cannon
Remade Death Star
Remade Sun Crusher

5,000 AT-ATs
6,000 AT-PTs
4,000 Mobile Suits
100,000,000 Foot troopers

I have cloning technology. What more do you want?

*Everything manned by clones of myself, thus all are Jedi.
Okay... Im not sure im doing this right so just tell me if im wrong :D

General Patton

1. Land Forces
My land forces are very "old fashioned" :)
I have about 20,000,000,000 cavalry (thats a lot of horses)
About 50,000,000,000 archers (cheap arrows)
About 150,000,000,000 infantry
the cool thing about these guys is that they have to lives so when they are "killed" and the killer is celebrating the guy will attack him from behind :)

2. Sea Forces
Okay... I have about 5 ships but each one is about the size of the mediteranean sea... Oh... and it can fly :D

3. Air Forces
The ships can fly... what more do i need? :D

4. Space Forces
Magic space-flying birds... these things can fly in space and i have about 99 trillion of them. they can poop on people :)

there poop is deadly.

5. Reinforcments
Well my land forces have 2 lives each so thats my reinforcments
I may have a tough army, but it is limited by ZelkdaGuardian in how many he grants me...right now, I only have a few hundred/thousand creepers and dusks. Not too big...for now.
Hey, I do have a major weakness. Just go for Kamino with the cloning facilities, then there goes my clones. Also most of my ships have shield generators that can be destroyed, so yea...
93 trillion zombies isn't saying much :p. A stiff breeze would quickly ravage their ranks. The army's fine, but who's their commander?
93 trillion zombies isn't saying much :p. A stiff breeze would quickly ravage their ranks. The army's fine, but who's their commander?
ah yes... mi commander... ill edit that previous post and say it here:
General Patton

he's the only guy id trust my incredible army with :)
My incredible legion of Versac's Army:
Led by Brigadier-General Slayten and Captain Yofun-Kyuui

Necromancers, Zombies, Dementist (Full-Fledged, not stoopid Casters), Angels and Demons, all sorts of Half Demons, Entish Knights.

My Legion is based around stealth, so that is why I will not tell you my other troops.
My fleet is the same 2 Vics 1 Impster 2 Super 1 soverne and Just added i imperial ultra class hahaha built in death star gun cloneing faccuility

my army is the 501st imperial legoin

my navy (sea) is 5. battleships 50 Battlecruisers heavey 90 Lights 300 destroyers 200 carriers and support ships

And i will accept recrutes from other forces as well thanks
Hold on, If you're still in my fleet, which I believe you are, then you don't get the Sovereign, but you do get 5 more Impsters Deuces and 10 more Vics. Also you don't need the hot pink anymore.
Justin, as a mod, can you combine your two post so that they are together?

Also, I forgot to tell everyone about my army of summoners in reserve forces in my original plans. Figure i'd let you know.
that is true but my Imperium-ultra class shall be named....Decapatator

or decacrator and i am still with dakare ..... My clones report ready to fight
and my fleet regains normal colors yeah
Hello Lt. (evil cackle) HAHAHAH...........I shall attack your fleet with 8 Imperial Class star destroyers HAHA i Have already destroyed 4 of your Star destroyers Victory shall be mine HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHAT angry this makes me very angry in fact the actual results of your "victory" are as follows Destroyed 5 Victory class destroyers.....that's all that you destroyed Damaged heavily 1 Victory 2 Imperial classes.

But you lost all but one of your attacking Imperial classes and my Super class more then finished your "Fleet" and i hasve taken your 2 Indictor class cruisers as payment so HA HA

(indictors can pull other ships out of hyperspace, great for ambushing)
NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all i've i got left is my YT-1200 frieghter NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! evil
Oh well too bad for you.......What a SCRACH ON MY SUPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (angry howls of rage in backround) I"LL KILL YOU JEDIMASTER IN YOUR YT1200