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Change in Sage Status


The Webmaster
Hello everyone,
This post is to just make you all aware of a slight change we will be implementing in the next few weeks to our high advancement program at Zelda Sages. It has become apparent that it takes a rather long time for the number of consistently active members to reach a level where we can approve a new Sage from our pool of S.I.T.s. Therefore, we will be implementing the following change to our advancement program:

Amendment to Sage Program said:
Once a year the members of the Zelda Sages community will be permitted to vote on whether or not they wish to keep the current Sage(s) in position. As with S.I.T. elections, 75% of the votes must be towards one extreme, although in Sage terms 75% of the voting community must desire the sage to no longer hold their position. If such a vote is reached, the Sage will be returned to the rank of Sage in Training and a Sage Application cycle will begin for all current S.I.T.s.

It is with this we hope to

  1. Prevent / Reduce corruption
  2. Promote good moderator behavior
  3. Give S.I.T.s who may not have a chance otherwise the opportunity to lead the community.
To put this into a bit more context though I can assure Sages present and future that a vote of no will require an explanation why. So, votes of no with no explanation or "He's mean and gave me an infraction for cussing!" will be void. Not all the details are worked out yet, but we will be seeing developments on a vote in a rather short period of time.

Any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me.
Yes guys. We are voting. Vote now. How do you do it? I'll tell you! Go to the voting forum, a special forum that hides from you when no one being voted on o.o Go there, and make a NEW THREAD. Title is "your username" Animaldude Sage vote. Or something similar. Then put either "Yes, I want Animaldude to be a Sage!" Or "No, *give SPECIFIC reasons why not*" Please note, it must be a valid reason. Go! GO NAOUGHW!