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Chat Room | 'Cause Bob was lazy

I liked chatzy though ... It had color and actions ... make COLOR AND ACTIONS ... pleaz.
Yea, if only you could combined the two some how. I like chatzy cause it has colors and actions and takes up the window, but yet I like the other because it's faster. And why doesn't Bob have that old Flash chat room? That was an okay chat room.
Yea, if only you could combined the two some how. I like chatzy cause it has colors and actions and takes up the window, but yet I like the other because it's faster. And why doesn't Bob have that old Flash chat room? That was an okay chat room.
yea... i liked that -_-

not that anyone used it;)
Bob and I used to use it. Back during our middle school days. During library and computers... Those were the days... Er... you didn't just hear that.
Not really, if I wanted to, I could re-install Flashchat now. The problem was that Flashchat caused major load on our servers. For tech savvy folks out there, every message you sent would be thrown into a database, and your chatroom would request any new messages every three seconds. So, it basically almost killed our database when more than ten people were in the room. I do have a chat solution which I have discussed and will begin some form of test shortly. Our S.I.T.'s and staff know about this solution already, although for the time being we are keeping it under wraps. Why? There is extensive decision making to be done :).