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Chatroom idea

... what do you mean exactly?

Like, when someone logs in they are automatically redirected to the chatroom or it pops open right after login? Anything is possible, but I'm pretty sure most people would find that really really really annoying ;).
I meant it opens right after login in a different window/tab.

And maybe we could have it as an option in the User CP?
Personally I would find that INCREDIBLY annoying. Lots of times I just log on quickly to check the forums, and walk away, so I stay signed in. And usually I'm doing something else when I log in. So having that chat room open when I log in would become REALLY annoying. And wouldn't having that option pretty much be the same thing as clicking the CHAT link?
it would be pretty annoying. i mean i have been in the chat room twice, and that was for mute trivia. that is basicly the only time it is used.
Wow, please don't do that. It would be so annoying! I think a who's online would serve much better; that way people can see who is in the chatroom and join in.
At the present, no. I'm waiting for the providers of our chat room to release a plugin which does so properly. They have one out now, although in my opinion it just makes finding whois online far more confusing.
I'll be in the chatroom all day (whether i'm responsive or not is a matter of what time you come) so feel free to come in and maybe we can get a lot of chatters at once.