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Chatroom Signals and Global Announcements


Sage in Training
I think there should be a banner on the top of the forums that display global announcements and there should also be a little signal that you can send to people who are online in the forums that tells them to go in... sometimes I'm alone in the chatroom, yet there are 10 people online in the forums.... If I could send some sort of flare to tell them to get in that would be nice. Of course... It could be spammed a lot so it should only be allowed like once an hour.
Cool idea, but it would probably be misused. I'm looking for a way to show who's online in the chatroom at the bottom of the forum home like we could do with Flashchat as per a suggestion by Linkman. This way, people can see someone is actually there and wants to talk. There are also always PMs ;).
Erm, bob, apparently that is supported by all current versions of the chat...


Animal, Its called private message :p
Yea, that's kinda a lie :). The Vbulletin module only allows you to have a separate page that you have to physically go to; it's really stupid and a waste of space and resources. If I wanted to do that, I could write my own code and throw it anywhere on ZS and accomplish it. It's even worse when their company forums uses Vbulletin and they can't figure it out...rather sad. ;)
Hm, maybe until we get that technology we could schedule chat times?

Kind of like mute trivia, but just for chatting...