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I know that you have no control over the chatroom features.. But I propose more sounds :D

Actually, Addonchat does allow you to upload your own audicons and emoticons. Well, that is not you, but Bob can.
Zeroth earned +3 pwng points!
Du du du dudududu du du (FF level up theme, see how it would be useful?)

(Although it would probably be overused to the point where I would kill my self *ahem slyguy ahem*)
(In which case, nvm, don't add that)
I think it would be cool of we had some more animal noises.
bark, quack, moo, slurp, ribbit, cock-a-doodle-doo!
Zeroth earned +3 pwng points!
Du du du dudududu du du (FF level up theme, see how it would be useful?)

(Although it would probably be overused to the point where I would kill my self *ahem slyguy ahem*)
(In which case, nvm, don't add that)

Wait, what?

What did I do to deserve that particular insult?

More Ideas: Budum, bum (The Jokes Drum accompaniement), Dumdumdum (Ominous), Wait, what?
Just an update on chatroom sounds. If you happen to be in the chatroom when someone is kicked you'll hear a rather humorous exclamation :).