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Christmas gifts!

Ouh, I got a touch too :D!
I also got a great deal of clothing, a few games, and a midi keyboard. Now I can use a real keyboard in Garageband rather than...well...the laptop keyboard ;).
I got Trauma Center New Blood, 2 shirts, HPOoTP the movie and game, Fruits Basket volume 18, 2 cd's, Rune Factory for ds, ds stuff....

gee, i wonder what im getting when i get to my dads :rolleyes:
Galaxy, WarioWare: Smooth Moves, Wii Zapper, GH III, iPod case, iHome, and that's about it. Fun stuff, especially GH III.
Galaxy, WarioWare: Smooth Moves, Wii Zapper, GH III, iPod case, iHome, and that's about it. Fun stuff, especially GH III.
Anyway, I also got Pirates 3 on DVD and 2 GB of RAM

Zack and Wiki is an incredible game... I haven't gotten into RE4 yet because i'm really not used to the controls.
iHome is an alarm clock that you can plug your iPod into. It also came with a remote :).

The controls for RE4 aren't too bad. Atleast not compared to RE 0-3, those are horrible because the camera is in a fixed location.
Why couldn't they just make it feel like a plane old third person shooter rather then you having to stop, aim, shoot... etc. ?

well now i'm gonna make trivia questions... :D