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Review Condemned 2:Bloodshot (360)


Wow, its been a while. So many games I have not written reviews of...
Anyway, here's my thoughts on Bloodshot.

Overview: This game continues the in-your-face melee horror that the first game began. This is combined with some more weapon combat this time around, and a more in-depth crime scene investigation mechanic.

Graphics/Visuals: 9/10
The appearance of the environments was much more interesting this time around. There was also more variety from one stage to the next. You went from exploring a city dripping with dark goop to the alpine wilderness to a boat etc. etc. The "horror detail" of the levels is very much in place. This refers to all the atmospheric dirt and grime as well as character detail. Once again, as with other games that support HD tvs, the text onscreen might be hard for you to read depending on which kind you use.

Sound: 7.5/10
Identical to the first game. There are more atmospheric hummings and clankings this time around, which do increase the tension, but not much else. If there is nothing all that noteworthy, an average rating should suffice.

Gameplay: 9.5/10
The biggest changes here were good changes. More weapon combat, which is always appreciated and enjoyed when all you've been able to use was a socket wrench. The character you play as is going through alcohol withdrawl, so unless you constantly chug booze that is strewn around the environment, your aim with be all over the place. That was interesting.
The crime screne mechanic is much more player driven than last time. You have to come up with conclusions yourself and are scored accordingly.
The melee combat in general has also been deepend and fleshed out. There are more moves and more finishing specials which are always....fun to watch.
Another big plus is the addition of a brawler minigame as well as online multiplayer!! There is lots to be unlocked in the game, thus extending gameplay life.
The gameplay is definitely an improvement over the first game.

Story/Presentation: 9/10
The main character from the first game returns, but his life has seriously gone down the tubes since then. He's now a drunken bum with what appears to be schizophrenia. He's no longer the earnest cop, now he is the grouchy pasty flea-ridden underdog.
So, this game naturally comes off as more badass than the first.
The freaky killings in such in the first game are now slowly being given explanations. Old characters return, and there are some new ones too. Overall the plot developments were believable, which in some ways equates to good and in other ways equates to overdone.
