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Dear Members of the Zeldasages Community

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Conspiracy Theorist
Members of the Zeldasages community, I would like to bring to your attention a recent infringement of my unalienable rights comitted in the chatroom on this day, the 26th of October. I have been banned from the chatroom for stating a simple opinion which contained no expletives or offensive remarks during a chat with the webmaster.

Webmasterbob entered the chatroom to speak with Windmage and I. As soon as he came in he told us he had not been registered to vote due to some complication that occured during his registration. My comment was "good one less mccainer" and not 5 seconds later, I was banned. Now I ask you, readers of this thread and my fellow community, should we be banned from a service on a Zelda fansite because of our political views? Are we in Cuba? China? Soviet Russia? How is it that I was shamelessly banned because I participated in an intelligent political conversation and my view was not in agreement with the two administrators present? I believe in a stronger America. I believe our rights given to us by the Creator and written down by our forefathers should not be alienated by those in a higher position with different views. By comitting this shameless act our administrator has cheated America, our forefathers, and evey American soldier that has fought and given his life for our rights and our freedom. I hereby demand immediate action be taken by our community to set this right and prevent future wrongdoings of the same sort. I hereby ask for a public apology from the comitter of this shameless act, to admit what he has done wrong and sincerely show his regret, and perhaps the good Lord will forgive him for this act and he may continue his life with this lesson engraved in his mind forever.
A timed ban for 45 minutes was placed on your account because you were deemed unable to intelligently participate in the conversation at hand. Your comment was insulting and utterly disgraceful. With such wording you implied it was a good thing I am, at least presently, unable to vote. In addition, how on Earth can you assume I am voting for McCain? I have never stated my candidate of choice and such remarks are therefore slanderous (though in this case libel).

The timed ban on your account should expire in around 5 minutes. I'm rather certain that others will agree that your initial comment deemed you unable to handle the maturity level of the conversation at hand, and if any member does not feel so feel free to PM me and I can discuss the situation on an individual basis.

In response to yoyolll's part two thread (deleted) I have also been quoted as saying "McCain failed". If you all really want to know my opinion I, in all honesty, would not want either Oboma nor McCain to be president of the USA. In my humble opinion, Obama is a leftist maniac and McCain will likely die in office + has some of the stupidest energy policies around. However, I will vote for one or the other seeing as they are the only two realistic candidates.
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