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Drawing the Triforce *Spoilers*


Sage in Training
I am actually past this part and remember doing it with no trouble, but my brother has taken an interest in PH recently, and for some reason no matter how perfect the triforce looks, it still won't accept it and open the door. I'm talking about when you're in the temple after you save tetra in statue form and you're up on a pretty high floor. Then you have to go through some doors and in order to grow through you must draw the sacred symbol on it. Which is the triforce. No matter how many times he redraws it, it just will not accept it as looking like the triforce. I tried it too and i tried using a different stylus and a different DS. I also tried making it small, big, etc. BUT IT WONT WORK.

So what could be the problem?
You have to do it in a specific order of lines. The starting direction is found at Zaus' house in a drawing on the right side.

Alright. Here I go (terrible description time!):

- I will refer to the top point as Point 1, the Bottom-Left as Point 2, The Bottom-Right as Point 3, The midpoint of the left side as Point 4, the midpoint of the bottom line as Point 5, and the midpoint of the right line as Point 6.

1.) Start at Point 1, and draw the line down to Point 2.
2.) From Point 2, Draw the bottom line to Point 3.
3.) Finish the basic triangle form by drawing from Point 3 to Point 1.
4.) From Point 1 again, go halfway down the LEFT line, stopping at a Point 4.
5.) From Point 4, draw a line to point 5, in the middle of the bottom line connecting 2 and 3.
6.) Go from Point 5 to the midpoint of 1 + 3, that being Point 6.
7.) Connect Point 6 to Point 4.



My terrible visual aid. :)