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E3 2011 Showing


I don't know about you all, but I think Nintendo's showing this past year was amazing! I'm so excited for the Wii U and Skyward Sword! That, and heck, maybe I'll see some of you at one of the anniversary concerts! I'm in NY, so if anyone from the tri-state area is around that would be sweet, cause they'll probably hold a concert in NY City.

So, what are all your thoughts? I guess the only thing I was disappointed about was the fact that, aside from SS, it doesn't seem like there's much to look forward to with the Wii anymore.
I liked the Skyward Sword stuff, but I agree and I don't have the money for a 3DS yet so I'm stuck with just playing my old games or playing my 360. I hope the WiiU expands to a much bigger audience because I really want to see Nintendo get some more hardcore stuff in their library.