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Deus Ex Machina
So what does everybody want to see from Nintendo at this years E3? Here's a list of stuff I want to see:
  • More VC consoles (At least Sega Saturn)
  • Hard drive for the Wii
  • USB gameboy player
  • USB DS player
  • Downloadable games for DS (Use Wii as a download station)
That's about it. What about you guys?
A few things, wven if some are for consoles I do not have.
  • Spore - WHEN?
  • Final Fantasy XIII
  • Kingdom Hearts III
Thats pretty much it.
Yeah. I heard Spore was delayed until 2009:(. Even though my computer could not possibly run it, and I don't have a 360, I still wan to see it.

I forgot one thing on my list: A media player for the Wii. They were talking about possibly having a download for DVD playback, and that would be grat since I don't have a DVD player on my TV or computer.

EDIT: I forgot another thing on my E3 wishlist: Animal Crossing Wii. I'm making a new thread for that.