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Fanfic- FFVII: The Third Advent(AC & DOC Spoilers!)

Title: Final Fantasy VII: The Third Advent
Characters: Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart, etc.
Timeline: Two years after Advent Children, four years after the original FFVII
Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy VII or any of its characters. Square Enix and Tetsua Nomura do. If I owned them, I would be rolling in dough. lol

Final Fantasy VII​
The Third Advent

Vincent Valentine stood once again in a place he hadn't set foot in for almost a year. He gazed into the face of his beloved Lucrecia as she hung incased in pure crystal mako, sealed there of her own accord. Lucrecia had felt guilt over what her son, Sephiroth, would become, the death of Vincent's father, and Vincent's own death and subsequent rebirth as his current form. Nearly four years have passed since Sephiroth's defeat, two years since Sephiroth's return through Jenova's remnants in the Lifestream, and a year since Vincent conquered the demons inside him, and Professor Hojo's plot to join with the ultimate Weapon, Omega. Vincent had almost died in that battle after transforming into Chaos, the one being that could stop Omega. The only reason he survived, in his own mind, is that he owed it to Lucrecia to live through the fight. He looked at her closed eyes. "Hello Lucrecia. It's been a while," he said, as he started to sit
down. "I've been helping Shelke to regain her lost time. She has a lot to catch up on." He shook his head and chuckled, "She's a quick learner though." He pulled his cloak back and settled down. A vibration from the crystal echoed through the cave. "Shelke's actually a lot like her sister...and you, for that matter." Vincent reached forward, as if to take her hands. He felt another vibration from the crystal, this one stronger, seeming to call his name.

Vincent puzzled over this for a moment, but then a footstep echoing through the cavern startled him from his thoughts. From the very weight of the impact, he knew it couldn't be Shelke. Therefore, it could only be one other person. As he stood, he said, "Cloud. Why do you intrude here without my permission?" The only answer was the continuing thud of footsteps on the ground. Then came the sharp grinding of metal dragging on the ground. Vincent swore loudly, his hand quickly gripping the handle of his rebuilt triple-barrelled handgun, pulling it from its holster. As Vincent spun, his red cloak billowing in the still air, he brought Cerberus to bear on the intruder. But, before he could even pull the trigger, he felt the cold bite of forged steel cutting into his chest. Vincent fell back into the pool of water surrounding the mako crystal, his blood beginning to pollute the cool, pure water. As he tried to maintain conciousness, the only thing he could see before he blacked out was a pair of black leather boots.

Sly and Shadow have a point. Lots of people do wear black boots. I think Rufus did as well.

SideNote: You make really good fanfics, but one thing about them annoys me which I don't really care about because it is creator's right, but the fact that you use main characters of the games as the main characters in your stories annoys me just a bit. Don't take offense, I realize and respect creator's rights. I just had to get that off my mind. Sorry.
While what you say is true, you have to realize that most of my stories revolve around big plots, and the main characters tend to attract trouble, especially characters like Cloud Strife. That's my main reasoning.
Update time

On a cliff overlooking the wrecked ruins of the once grand city of Midgar, a large sword stood a silent and noble vigil. The sword was planted blade down in the dirt. The wide blade was rusted and chipped in places from years of use. Despite its neglected appearance, the sword was a tribute to its former owner. At its base was a small bouquet of roses as yet another tribute. Then, a rumbling whine was heard coming across the plateau. A small screech of brakes sounded as dirt billowed. The soft whine descended into a low rumble that faded to nothing. A soft crunching noise heralded the arrival of the one who paid these tributes. Black boots displaced pebbles underfoot as the person approached the Buster Sword and roses. The man kneeled and placed another rose at the base of the sword. He stood, the wind sweeping through the cloak around his waist, the single sleeve under hard shoulder armor, and his spiky blond hair. Cloud Strife looked at his old Buster Sword, the weapon he used after his friend, the SOLDIER 1st class Zack, had been killed. "I said I’d live out both our lives. Easy to make that promise," Cloud said ceremoniously. Now, he had felt that he was fulfilling that promise.

Then he looked at the roses which were a tribute to the gentle young woman who had captivated the hearts of both Cloud and Zack long ago. "Aerith…I haven’t forgotten you," Cloud whispered. This was the tribute he had spoken every day for the past two years. He never would forget her. As his eyes caught Midgar and the small community dedicated to the rebirth of Midgar, Edge, he smiled. If anything, Aerith would insist that he be with her. She wanted his happiness, he was sure of that. He softly clenched his left hand, feeling the still unfamiliar weight of the ring on his third finger. Tifa was waiting for him. Just as he was turning to leave, his left arm jerked involuntarily and a band of pain shot up it. "What the?!" he exclaimed, his arm burning as if it had been set on fire. "No!" he shouted, hitting the ground, gripping his left arm. The pain was no different than the geostigma disease that had infected him and many others two years ago. "No…it can’t be…it’s impossible," he whispered through the pain. Eventually, he regained his composure and ran for his motorcycle, Fenrir, starting it up. The bike kicked up dust as he gunned the engine, rocketing down towards Midgar, leaving the Buster Sword and the roses in their silent vigil.
...YAY more ominous stuff! I still think it's Sephiroth, but you can make it whoever you want, so I'm probably wrong...ah well, keep going! Great job so far...
I can't say whether or not it's Sephiroth. :p

Tifa Lockhart closed the bedroom door with a sigh. Denzel, the young orphan that Cloud had found and brought to the Seventh Heaven almost three years ago, had collapsed after a strange spasm. She walked downstairs to fix herself a drink. As she poured it into the glass and dropped in some ice, she let out another sigh for her and Cloud’s adopted son. "We never seem to get a break, do we?" she whispered to no one in particular. She threw back the drink, savoring the burn as it flowed down her throat. As she poured more, her ears picked up the roar of a very familiar motorcycle. She set the glass down, figuring the rider could probably use a drink. The screech of Fenrir’s brakes signaled to her that Cloud was in a big rush. As she turned her head to the door, brushing her dark hair out of her eyes, Cloud burst through the door.

"Tifa! How’s Denzel?" he hurriedly asked. His left arm was clenched tight and unmoving.

She drew herself up from the chair she had sat in, hurrying to his side. "He’s upstairs in his room, unconscious. He was having a fit and holding his forehead before he blacked out," she explained as she came closer. His deep blue eyes belied a great pain. "Cloud, what is it? What’s wrong?" Tifa placed her hands on his arms as she looked up at him.

Cloud averted his eyes. "I don’t know…It feels like the geostigma, but it can’t possibly be," he whispered. Tifa looked down, thinking. "Sephiroth…he is gone…right?"

She looked back up quickly. "Of course! Cloud, you beat him! There’s no way he’s still alive!" she said, gripping his arms.

Cloud winced. Tifa loosened her grip and slid her hands around him, embracing the man she loved deeply. After a few moments, he returned her embrace. "Tifa…" he whispered. She led him up to see Denzel, who was now sleeping peacefully. Cloud touched the boy’s forehead with his left hand, barely registering that his arm no longer hurt. The woman who had been a friend to him all his life, and now more, took his hand and began to lead him to their room. Cloud followed, surrendering to the peace that awaited him in Tifa’s arms. Still on the table downstairs was the glass of amber liquid. The only sound to be heard in the bar was the clink of ice against the glass as it settled, slowly melting.
Next update, FYI Comments on this and the last update welcome!

The loud crash of wood splintering as it fell jerked Yuffie Kisaragi to full awareness. "What in the hell?! Can’t I get some damn sleep around here?!" She kicked open the door of the pagoda, then stopped. Her nose sensed it first, the acrid smell of smoke and ash intruding on her senses. Flames rose from the village where she was born, the village that became a place she thought she hated, the place that she came back to after the final fight. The ninja village of Wutai was dying. She screamed in rage, running back in the pagoda to grab her four-point shuriken. When she came back out, she was faced with a trio of familiar looking wolf-sized creatures chasing down one of the children of Wutai. "NO!!!" she screamed at them, hurling her shuriken. The over-sized throwing star scythed through one of the Shadow Creepers, tearing it to shreds. As the shuriken made its way back to Yuffie, the other two creatures glared at her, the child forgotten.

Yuffie grinned wildly, then charged at them. One of the creatures bounded towards her. She flipped in the air, running one of the blades of her star through it. The beast was dead before she landed. She then threw it at the other beast, smiling as it tore to pieces. She caught the shuriken and looked around. Then she saw him. Her father was fighting against a tall man who was hidden by flames. She stood there, entranced, but then she saw something she wished she hadn't. Her father fell to the tall man, the flames beginning to engulf his body. "DAD!!!!!" She felt the man's eyes turning to her and she threw her star. Suddenly, she heard the screech of metal rending, and then the pieces of her shuriken landed at her feet. But, Yuffie didn't get a chance to mourn the loss of her father or her weapon. Mere seconds after the last blade of her shuriken clanged against the ground, Yuffie felt the bite of burning hot steel slice across her chest.
Ooh ... Yuffie might die, ominous figure in flame (now who could that be (oh yeah, I have a wallpaper of him!)), All of this in conjunction with Cloud and Vincent's story. Very nice.
Not sure how much more of "Vincent's story" will be shown, but I'm definitely considering having more of him later. Now, here's another update!

Cloud ran down the stairs, pumping his legs faster and faster, not bothering to look at the highly decorated walls and the rainbow colored stairs, his mind fixed on one goal, and one goal only. He finally came to a halt at the bottom of the stairs, his breath coming in short gasps. But what he saw there was worth his exhaustion. He felt hope filling his heart as he saw her. Aerith was kneeling at the altar, her hands clasped as she prayed to Holy to destroy Meteor before Sephiroth could destroy Gaia. He started toward her, when he felt strangely, his hands going to his back, drawing his Buster Sword. Cloud tried to pull back, but no matter what, a strange feeling drew him closer, his sword drawing back. Suddenly Tifa and Barret showed up, pulling him back. Cloud shook off the feeling and looked back at Aerith, letting out a sigh of relief at being in control of himself again, and seeing her alive. Her emerald green eyes rose to meet his, a small smile crossing her lovely lips. Suddenly, the sound of a billowing cloak drew his attention upwards. Soaring down from above was the demon that summoned Meteor, the so-called "Chosen One" who would take back the planet, the very angel of death himself. Sephiroth. His long katana was aimed blade down as he fell through the air, his long silver hair flowing, his black cloak billowing like dark wings as he flew down with ultimate purpose. Sephiroth drew his sword upwards, ready to lunge forward. The sharp sound of metal slicing through flesh assaulted Cloud's ears. Aerith fell forward, the wonderful light that captured Cloud's heart leaving her eyes forever.
"NO!" Cloud screamed, lurching upright in bed, gripping his left arm tightly. The pain lingered, even as Cloud told himself that it was just a dream. He slowly pulled himself out of bed, so he wouldn't wake Tifa. He softly walked downstairs to the bar, the cold sweat from the nightmare still covering his body, making his blond hair cling to his forehead. He went behind the bar, running his fingers over the bottles behind the bar, finally selecting one that Tifa had often poured for Barret when he had a hard day. He grabbed a glass and set it on the counter, uncorking the bottle. He had to steady his shaking hand as he poured the liquor into the glass, fighting off the last vestiges of the dream. After filling it, Cloud drained the entire glass without a moment's hesitation. A moment later, the silence of Seventh Heaven was broken by Cloud's rasping cough.

"Little strong for you?" came a loving, yet teasing voice from the stairs. Cloud turned to see Tifa, her lithe form covered in a light blue robe. She smiled at him as she drew closer to him, bringing a smile to Cloud's face as well.

"Just a little," he admitted, setting the glass down as Tifa wrapped her arms around his waist. Cloud returned the favor as he felt her soft, raven hair pressed against his chest. After a few moments, they gazed into each other's eyes, then leaned into each other, their lips so close to touching.
Suddenly, the upstairs phone rang loudly through the quiet night. Tifa's face crinkled with distaste. "Why does that always seem to happen?" she sighed.

Cloud gave her a quick kiss, then winked. "At least they gave us some time alone, remember?" Tifa had to laugh at that, and she followed him as he went upstairs. Cloud went into his office and picked up the phone. "Hello, this is Strife Delivery Service--"
"Cloud! It's about damn time! It's me, Cid!" came the irascible pilot's voice. "We're about to be inbound for Edge in a few minutes, an' I'm comin in with injured!"

"What happened?" Cloud asked, his heart turning to ice in his chest.
"****, I don't have a clue. We were on a shakedown flight, and we were flying near Wutai when we noticed it was burnin. Cloud...whatever sonofabitch hit the villiage...he also got Yuffie," Cid replied.

"Cid...get them here as fast as you can," he said, closing his eyes. Then he set the phone back on the hook with a heavy sigh.
Okay, another update...beware, there's a lot of swearing in this update because of two characters. More than likely the site'll censor it, but just FYI guys.

On the other end of the line, Cid Highwind glared at the phone with distaste. "Dumbass still acts like a wuss," he muttered. He then turned to the Shera's crew. "Okay dipshits, listen up! We need to get as many survivors aboard as we can, then get this bird ready to fly! Well, what are ya just standin around for? Move!!" Cid grinned as his crew scrambled to follow his orders. Then he looked grimly out the cockpit windows at the ruined villiage. The only part of Wutai still intact was the Da-Chao statue behind the villiage. Cid pulled out a cigarette and lit it, then took a long drag off of it. It had taken him a whole year to get the Shera ready to fly again after the near disaster she had suffered at the hands of Deepground during the Assault on Midgar. At the moment, the last thing Cid wanted was to repeat that incident. He looked down and saw that they were bringing Yuffie on board. He left the bridge for the infirmary, hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. As he watched the doctors working to stabilize the young ninja, his eyes fell to the bloody gash across her stomach and chest. His cigarette fell from his mouth and Cid found he only could say one thing. "****."
Tifa rested her right hand on Cloud's shoulder, hoping that, since it was the hand that her wedding ring was on, it might help him focus. They had been an odd couple in the beginning, and it had taken a few years for them to finally find their way into each other's hearts. Though she knew she wasn't, and could never be, a replacement for his first love, she knew that her love provided a stabilizer in his life, something he had never had at any time they were apart. For all they had been through together, she knew him well, and she could tell when he was troubled. And this time, she knew, it had nothing to do with Aerith. "Cloud? What's wrong?"

It took Cloud a few moments to answer, and even when he did, it was barely a whisper, "Wutai's destroyed. Yuffie's hurt badly, maybe even fatally." Tifa's breath caught in her throat as she absorbed this information. Cloud looked at his left arm, half expecting to see some sign of the pain that had shot through it earlier. "Cid's picked up survivors and should be on his way back by now."

Tifa looked down at the desk, her eyes falling to the photo that had been taken two years ago after the Geostigma Incident. Yuffie had gotten as close as she could to the camera without blocking anyone, her cheery smile shining as bright as the sun. "What could possibly do this?" she whispered.

The tightness in Cloud's voice almost frightened her. "I don't know, but I'm damn sure I'll find out." He pulled away and charged into their room. As he pulled his clothes out of the closet, he flipped his phone open and set it to speaker mode, selecting one of the numbers on speed dial as he set it down while he got dressed. "Barret, you'd better be there," he said as he pulled his pants on.

After a few moments of ringing, he heard the phone pick up. "**** Cloud! What the **** you callin' me at this hour for?! Me and Marlene were sleepin, ya know!" came Barret Wallace's abrasive voice, his reserve from the past months gone from sheer annoyance. He had been tempering his anger and abrasiveness so people wouldn't be so frightened by him.

"Sorry about that Barret, but this is an emergency."

"Everything's a goddamn emergency with you, fool!"

"Barret, I need you to come out here and take care of Denzel while--"

"****! I got enough on my plate as it is, you spiky haired idiot!"

"Barret! Wutai's been destroyed!" Cloud yelled at the phone as he pulled his shirt on. When Barret didn't respond, he continued, "Yuffie's been badly hurt, and as soon as I've checked on her, Tifa and I are going to find out just who's behind all of this."

It took a whole minute for Barret to respond. "****. Sorry about that man. I'll be right over. Got any leads?"

Cloud pulled on his gloves, finally ready to go. He let out a deep sigh and replied, "I think so. We're gonna go see Shinra."
oops, forgot to comment earlier :) Very nice, and I enjoy reading Barret's 'colorful language';). When's the next chapter coming out?
Sorry guys, I know it's been a while, so here's an update for you, hope you enjoy it!!

Cloud, Tifa, and Barret were waiting at the outskirts of Edge when Cid's airship made a flyby over Midgar, slowing to landing speed. As it landed, the propellers kicked up dust, irritating Tifa's eyes. She squinted her eyes until the Shera finally landed. As the hatch lowered, she was able to make out several people leading out stretchers. "Oh my God," she whispered.

Cloud and Tifa met Cid at the foot of the ramp. "Cid, where's Yuffie?" Cloud asked.

Cid sighed. "She's still on board. She's in bad shape Cloud, but the doctor thinks she'll be able to pull through. But then, I didn't have much doubt. Yuffie's a tough cookie," he said. Cloud merely nodded. "I guess ya wanna see her?"

Cloud nodded again, hoping to expedite the situation. Cid motioned them up the ramp and into the Shera's bowels. As the double doors to the infirmary opened, Cloud took a deep breath. His gait was unsteady as he picked up the acrid odor of blood, a smell that he had grown accustomed to. He walked as quietly as he could into the sickbay, but he dared not approach the doctor, who was working feverishly to close the deep wound that had been inflicted on Yuffie. He sighed, then leaned on the door frame. Tifa gazed in, then turned away, her hand going to her mouth. Cloud put his hand on her shoulder, then gently left the room, being careful not to push Tifa or disturb the doctor in any way.

Cid glanced at Cloud, who's face was set in stone. Finally, Cloud spoke. "Whatever you have to do, don't let her die." Cid nodded. "Let's go Tifa." Tifa sighed and followed. They stepped past Barret and mounted Cloud's Fenrir, Tifa holding on to Cloud's waist. A twist on the handle and the bike sped away from the Shera and Edge, clouds of dust whipping up behind it.
A figure in the wastes near Midgar climbed up to the spot where Zack's Buster Sword remained. He watched as Cloud and Tifa left Edge. After only a moment's observation, he realized that their destination was the Healin Lodge not far from the Chocobo Ranch. Though he had every intention of letting them arrive at Healin, he had no intention of allowing it to be easy. He raised his arm and the ground began to rumble. First he would send out the small fries.
Well, here's a little bit of action for ya! Hope you like!

Fenrir carried its masters over the wasteland at the quickest pace the engine could muster. Even Cloud, the man who built this fierce bike, had to admit that, at times, it seemed to have a mind and will of its own. But it still bent to Cloud's will, and right now he wanted to get to Rufus Shinra before something else happened. Unfortunately for Tifa and him, something was about to happen. Tifa noticed it first, a strange black fog appearing behind them. "Cloud! I think we've got company!" she yelled over the roar of Fenrir. Cloud gazed back and saw seven, no ten Shadow Creepers bursting from the shadow.

"Dammit!," he growled, triggering the twin compartments on each side of Fenrir. These compartments held the component swords of the mighty First Tsurugi. Cloud gripped the hilt of the base sword, Vigilante, twisting it from its resting place and opening it, and then he closed the components. As soon as he did, one of the Shadow Creepers leaped at him and Tifa. Luckily, Vigilante was there to meet it. The creature burst into a small cloud of black smoke and Cloud took a short moment to steady the bike. Another creature came up alongside, and Cloud quickly struck. One more came up on the left, causing Cloud to curse. Vigilante was, sadly, in his right, and he had no intention of letting go of Fenrir's controls. Then a boot connected with the monster's mouth right before it clamped shut on Cloud's leg. "Thanks Tifa!" he shouted as he pulled on Fenrir, making the bike slide over another Shadow Creeper. He slashed through another one with Vigilante, and Tifa kicked another. There were four more, and Healin was finally in sight. "Tifa, get ready to take over," he said, triggering the compartments again.

"What?!" she replied over the loud engine. Cloud gripped the hollow sword Vendetta, then he stood on the nose of the bike. TIfa quickly gripped the handles and kept Fenrir steady as Cloud flipped off the vehicle, landing on a Shadow Creeper. He slashed through it with both swords just as two of the remaining three charged at him from both sides. Cloud spun, ripping both of them apart, and then attaching Vendetta to Vigilante, creating the slightly more powerful Alkaid. He held it with both hands in front of him, ready for the last monster's attack. It came quickly, but this one was a bit smarter than its brethren. It gripped the blade of the sword in its jaw and pulled. Cloud wouldn't fall for that, though, and he twisted the sword, flipping the creature into the air. In moments, Cloud was airborne. With a single hard chop, the creature vanished and Cloud was back on the ground, sheathing the sword into the holster on his waist. Then he heard Fenrir's roar and leapt into the air, landing on the nose again. As he climbed back onto his seat, Tifa scooted back and slapped him hard across the back of his head. "That was the stupidest, most reckless thing you've ever done!" she yelled into his ear.

Cloud could only grin. "Oh really? What about that time that I--"

"Please, don't make me hit you again," Tifa said. Cloud chuckled a little, and then let the seriousness of the situation take him again as the bike handled the curves of the mountainous area that the Healin Lodge was nestled.