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Interesting for sure, but I'm not surprised. Really, if anyone is worried about calories and fat, they shouldn't be eating fast food.
Wow. Yeah, this didn't surprise me much either. Fast food is kind of gross, anyway. You know, now they legally HAVE to print the ingedients on everything. It's not even calories that worry me. It's all the synthetic by-products and artificial flavorings and all the chemicals and stuff that clogs your arteries. Ew. And don't yell at me and say, "You know, you really should gain a few more pounds." I KNOW THAT. That's not what I'm saying, though. I'm saying that I personally wouldn't like to consume all this stuff because of the potentially harmful mysterious ingredients. Eh. My comment on the article: Tell me something I don't know, and that's not very pleasant but thanks for sharing anyway.
I haven't eaten at a fast food place in a few months... Until yesterday when i had a BACONATOR FROM WENDY'S! I thought I would vomit at the sight of it, but it was really good and I could have eaten about 2-3 more.
there food is greasy enough to light on fire with a cigarette! there should be warning signs out front of fast food joints