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Favorite Sports?

Motocross, if you count that as a sport. Other than that, nothing. Other than riding my bicycle and doing stuff with that.
Dude, I haven't watched Motorcross in so long, it used to be one of my favorite sports, but I don't seem to see it on tv much anymore.
I don't tend to watch, I just ride. I did watch the finals at Las Vegas on Speed channel, though. I don't remember who won, though.
ehh. i dont play many sports...but i play tennis sometimes

i like volleyball and soccer too

i like stuff in the water....knee boarding, water ski, just swimming in general...

i'll play basket ball at church sometimes with some friends...
Two numbers in a row means a tie.

to watch:
1. Baseball
2. Football
3. FIFA World Cup Soccer
3. Basketball (playoffs)
5. Golf

To Play:
1. Baseball
1. Soccer
3. Golf
4. Football
5. Basketball