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Forum Search

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Conspiracy Theorist
I searched the forums for I Wanna Be The Guy because I wanted to download it. The exact words I entered were "i wanna be the guy" and when i searched it gave me this message:

The search term you specified (i) is under the minimum word length (4) and therefore will not be found. Please make this term longer.

It only searched the first word.

Does this happen to anyone else?
It's how search engines work :). If you want something specific, use quotations :). For example, if I entered:

I like eggs

The forums will search for all posts and threads with the words I, like, and eggs. That's why you get the(i) error.

If however you put in:

"I like eggs"

The forum would search only for threads and posts with that exact phrase.

For reference though, the IWBTG thread is right here.
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