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Free Wiimote Jackets


Conspiracy Theorist
They're for wiimotes in case you drop them or something? I'm not really sure, can someone explain this?
It has extra cushion for the Wiimote if they fall/get flung across the room. They are also ment as extra grip for the Wiimote. And they're free, so why question it?
But I don't wanna feel like I'm playing with a condom on my Wiimote...I mean that would be REALLY weird
Eh, I'm gonna order them if I can. It's being really annoying, always giving me an error page....

I don't know if I'll use them, but they'll be free, so what does it matter?
Nope, they pay for that too. I mean, you do have to own a Wii to actually get them, but you can order up to four per Wii, and if you only have two remotes, you get two jackets free.
There has to be SOME catch. To me it sounds like a scam to get your credit card information. I mean the Wii is very popular
Go to Nintendo's homepage and they have an advertisment about it. But don't do it just yet. They have this problem with it not giving you your order confirmation number.
dakare remeber back when they gave out the OOT and MM zelda games for gamecube on that site for free...it was no scam i got two of them somehow no charge all nintendo asked for was my shipping address.
Oh, yes. I do remember that. And the Master Quest (NOT Ura as everybody says it is) Ocarina of Time Disk for preordering Windwaker. Nintendo sometimes has the best free offers.

I just got my email for the shipping confirmation today. Now I just need to wait 5-10 days. And I'm still waiting for my Quill stylus. I got the email for that on the 27th, but with it they said 6 weeks by first class mail (I'm confused about that one).

EDIT: Just got mine in the mail today. They're not half bad. The only annoying thing is there's some extra bulk near the B button that feels a little awkward, but other than that they're easy to put on, feel fine, and they even have a little "plug" for the expansion port so dust doesn't get in it.

Now just to wait for my stylus...