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Funniest Ad Campain: Ever!

Oh so this is what Demoncrat was talking about... very funny

(lol we were discussing presidential candidates in the chatroom)
I'm so showing this to my Government teacher when I get the chance! This was absolutely hilarious!

Mike Huckabee won the Iowa Caucus for the Republican party! I guess Chuck Norris really did propel him forward :D.
Yeah, he really is a supporter of Huckabee... I betcha Huckabee didn't even have to pay him... This is at Huckabee's post Iowa Caucus address:

(Notice Chuck Norris in the background)

I actually think I'd rather have Romney win but we'll have to see... Huckabee is actually looking pretty good.

I don't really think the Iowa caucus means much being that it's only one state with barely anyone there... (as yoyolll would say it's like North Carolina) but I guess it's extremely good publicity for the primaries in other states. It kind of annoys me that a bunch of corn farmers have the power to give a candidate that much publicity. (Of course the media are the ones that are over emphasizing it)... Anyway, it's still an interesting thing. I almost cried tears of joy when I saw Clinton technically came in 3rd. I still hate all 3 of the main democratic candidates somewhat equally but Clinton stands out a little more.
I do believe Huckabe or whatever his name is has a really good chance for being nominated for the Republican party.
Well, he won only one primary thus far mind you, and there are 48 left to go *Iowa and NH are done and gone, wohoo!*