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Extremely Controversial Gay Marriage

However, it is considered a sin because it is not physically possible for two people of the same gender to procreate through sexual intimacy.


So, all of the infertile women in the world cannot have sex with their husbands. Women who have reached menopause can no longer have sex with their husbands. Men who are infertile cannot have sex with their wives.

I highly doubt that your religion proposes these things

Sexuality and intimacy have functions beyond reproductions. The female orgasm, for example, has no direct reproductive benefit. It does serve, however, to release a whole buncha bonding hormones so that she and her partner feel nice and secure together to raise their kids.

So, sexuality serves a purpose much larger than just popping out babies. It creates family and intimacy between two people in a way that just spending time together can't.

An awesome article on the topic:

It's sacred between only a man and a woman. That's what it means.

But the point is that this country has seperation of church and state. No one has the right to force a religous view on anyone, so the union of two members of the same gender should be legal. That won't stop them from having sex, no matter what you do.

So, all of the infertile women in the world cannot have sex with their husbands. Women who have reached menopause can no longer have sex with their husbands. Men who are infertile cannot have sex with their wives.

I highly doubt that your religion proposes these things

No, Demoncrat, I do not believe it does. It states that as long as the couple is open to new life, then that is just dandy. Two people of the same gender would never have the potential to make a baby together. However, I don't know much about the stance on this issue, but I will do some research and get back to you with my finds as soon as I get some answers.

Windmage- No, it certainly does not stop the people. However, it is a sin, not a law. Since people have free will, they commit sins. I'm not saying it's illegal, just saying that according to my religion, it's a sin. Again, I personally have less of a problem with 'civil unions' but I do not think that it is quite equal to a marriage.
I think sometimes we all just over analyze it. I agree with Ides and webmaster in the sense that marriage may not be the best term for it. But on adoption, who cares if the parents are gay? if they love a child and are going to take care of him/her, then they have every right in the world to get a kid