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Review Gears of War (360)


Gears of War had been hyped for many months as the 360's killer app. After it's release, it became the fastest selling (and top selling) microsoft game to date. Here's what I thought of it.

Overview: The earths been attacked from within by angry alien people called the locust horde. Mankinds fighting desperately to survive, but things look bad. Really bad. You're an ex-soldier who's just been busted out of jail to help stem the locust invasion.

Graphics: 10/10
I only think the graphics are perfect because they're the best AS OF NOW:D . Within months the graphical bar will be raised even higher, but right now this game is at the top. Here are some of the graphics' most notable features.
The texures are probably what stand out the most. As is the case with games such as Oblivion, textures are really what suck you into the ferocious realism of next-gen games. They're...succulent.
The blood/gore effects in GoW are...so...beautiful...if you're a shooter fan who loves the whole nitty gritty war bit, you'll fall in love with this game just as I have.
The lighting and archatecture is the most cinematic I've EVER seen in a game. The environments are nice and varied, and always keep your eyes in ecstasy.
So yea, the graphics are delicious.

Sound: 9.5/10
This game doesn't bombard your ears with non-stop war clamor like others. The firefights aren't TOO big, but enough to get your blood pumping. The explosions sound quite nice, as do all the rumblings of the locust horde moving in the earth beneath you (scared me half to death). Plus, the locust soldiers themselves sound terrifying and I think this greatly adds to their menacing presence.
The shotgun sounds gloriously brutal.
Here's my FAVORITE SOUND IN THE GAME: Using the Lancer's chainsaw attachment on a nearby locust soldier. The horrible squishing, squelching accompanied by the roaring of the chainsaw blade is SO satisfying and beautiful.

Gameplay: 9.5/10
The game functions mainly as a squad based shooter with a few extra perks. Your AI teammates are pretty smart, and dont get on your nerves. This is a huge problem most shooters often have, and I'm pleased to say it does not show it's face in GoW. Also, the enemy AI is quite advanced and keeps you on your toes throughout the roughly 15 hour campaign.
The weapons all have their own advantages, so theres quite a bit of battle strategy.
Speaking of strategy, the combat is clearly the main focus of this game, and it employs a refreshingly new approach that is very enjoyable.
The "take cover!" mechanic makes battles strategic AND fun. You can take cover behind practically anything, and blast away at the locust before having to quickly relocate and continue.
It sounds gimmicky, I know. And after 15 hours of it? Kill me now. WRONG! The game continuously throws new scenarios at you that require you to always be ready. The enemies have a decent amount of variety as well. The game plays heavenly.

OVERALL: 9.5/10

Other stuff you should know about the game:
>The biggest flaw is the directionless plot, which fails to really draw you in. But dont worry, the gameplay is enough to compensate in my opinion.

>Also, playing this game co-op was one of the best experiences I've had with a shooter! If you can, play through it that way!!!:D

>Online multiplayer is supposed to be a blast, though i havent gone online with it...no broadband at home...:(
yes, this review does have an identical twin brother ;) ,

im glad this review pleased you, linkmaster. (we need some more xbox people here, to be honest!):rolleyes:

(i'm also a nintendo and sony loyalist!!)