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    The Zelda Sages Community Forums are a fun and easy way to interact with Zelda fans from around the globe. Our members also have access to exclusive members' only content. Register and/or log in now! Please note that user registration is currently disabled. If you would like to register please contact us.

General rules

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The Webmaster
This area of the forums is designed specificly for information on the Legend of Zelda series. You can post your fan fiction or talk about anything Zelda here. We ask however that you keep all game help questions to the game help topics. This will keep the board more organized and help others answer your questions. As always do not flame,spam,etc.

I'd also like to add in, spoilers are bad. For the first four months of a new Zelda game's release, you must use the spoiler tag when giving out any plot detail that is not openly known from Nintendo. You must also use the spoiler tag when posting ANY major plot information "Such as this character becomes this". Depending upon severity of the spoiler and the time the game was released, we can either edit your post to include the tag or issue an infraction or no infraction and temperary ban.

The spoiler tag will appear as such
You must also highlight the text inside, this is to prevent someone from accidently clicking the show switch and reading the spoiler.

If you are making a new thread with spoilers, you can place *spoiler warning* in your thread title to warn everyone before they click. If this is done, you will not need to use the spoiler tag as it will be known the entire thread contains spoilers.

That's about all, be sure to follow those rules :).
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