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Review Graw (360)


this is my ghost recon advanced warfighter review.
overview: 3rd person shooter where you're a military commmando dude leading a team of guys on foot through mexico city while fighting rebels, etc.

Sound: 9.5/10
the only complaint i have with military games as far as sound goes is that they get too repetitive. In this game everything sounds ultra realistic (the voices and explosions etc.) and the occasional orchestral music is really well done. It gets your blood pumping during the extra intense moments.
it doesnt get too repetitive...unlike most other shooters...
someday i'll upgrade to actual speakers with sub-woofer etc.

Graphics: 8/10
i dont know why everyone says this game has the best graphics to date. Yea, they're good, but they aren't mind boggling in their complexity. Textures appear quite bland until you get up close, and even then its hard to tell.(its a 3rd person shooter, thats why). Granted I dont have HD-TV, I've still seen other games where it is clearer to see all the the stunning visuals. This brings me to my biggest complaint: The sun glare.
The bright sun of mexico city makes it very hard to see often times, so that gets annoying. the only other thing is that the text is EXTREMELY hard to read on a normal display tv. these things just kinda chop up the gameplay for me, causing me to squint a lot.

Gameplay: 8/10
Maybe its becasue i'm not a tactical shooter fan, but things seemed kinda slow for me. its usually one or two enemies at a time, and you can die really easily, so you have to go slow...
the controls take a while to fully master, but once you do its fairly easy to operate the game.
in the game you command a small squad of AI teammates to help you fight the rebels. The AI overall is pretty good, but sometimes your men will stand right in the line of fire and get killed. Sometimes i would tell my men to hide behind a wall and not move till i completed the whole mission. When there's many enemies, your men come in handy.
I never totally felt safe with the controls. My character always seemed clunky and exposed a lot of the time. It reminded me of the early Resident Evil games, though its not THAT bad.
This is not a very long game, but it is difficult.
Recommended only to tactical shooter fans.

OVERALL: 8.5/10

side note: the story is not particularly engaging or gripping, except when the rebels kill a certain friend of yours...:)'))