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GTA 4? Anybody?


I've seen nothing on any of these forums about GTA 4. Is anybody waiting for it with great anticipation? Any pre-orders? Personally I can't wait for it.
I'm gonna pick it up for 360.
its cuz its just a stupid gangsta game that isnt that much fun. runin over ppl is fun for an hour, but then it just sux
Yeah GTA has had it's day they needed to inject some real 60's and 70's muscle cars into for it's life to go on
D: Cheats?! Cheats are only fun after you have beaten any game. You can't really say you beat a game if you used cheats.
My bro is gonna buy it this weekend, so I'm psyched to try it.

And as far as cheats are concerned, people will find more of them. The game has only been out for, what, not even a week?