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Review Halo 3 (360)


Yea you're a virtually silent space army super soldier in the future who's in the process of trying to kill a bunch of aliens and save the world. Make that universe.

Visuals: 8/10
Bright, sharp, and generally quite nice. There are some nice textures on objects up close, but otherwise all the various environments and objects look fine.
Nothing special as far as quality goes, but the scale of the game visually is really awesome. There are big battlefields with big enemies and lots of other big stuff.
Some people complain about the light bloom, and the cheesiness of some of the character designs, but its passable in my opinion. Barely.

Sound: 8/10
The music's awesome (but old if you've played all the other games), and the character voices are generally decent.
The guns range from sounding awesome to sounding pretty lame. The sniper rifle is satisfying while the assault rifles are plastic-y. Maybe this was to fit weaker guns with weaker sounds and stronger guns with stronger sounds, just so the difference could be made that much clearer (but I bet we'd know somehow anyway that a regular rifle isn't as powerful as a rocket launcher).

Gameplay: 8/10
First, the controls.
Something about controlling where you look in this game seems not so good. In FEAR, I seem to have much more control, but in Halo 3 I often am turning to face enemies too fast and then missing them. I recommend turning the look sensitivity down all the way so your character isn't spazzing out and jerking his head every which way all the time.
Battles follow the usual enjoyable Halo formula. They are unpredictable and dynamic. Lots of possibilities, so it's a blast.

The campaign isn't too bad, because the battles make it fun. The story is ok, I guess. If youre a fan of the plot, I'm sure you'll enjoy it, but I like all the different combat scenarios in the campaign (and seeing which new ways I can approach them). The campaign is playable with up to 4 others, so thats fun also.

multiplayer is basically the fun gameplay without the campaign scenarios, so youre just running around enjoying battles with other players. It's ridiculously fun with friends, but a lot of people online are overly competitive (as Halo is known for). Otherwise its just good clean combat (evolved).

Other Stuff:
there are lots of neat features of Halo 3 that really add to its reply value.
There is a feature called forge that lets you edit (and add) any item on any map and then save it to be played on later(online or off). The possibilities with this are mind blowing.
There is also a theatre feature that lets you watch any recent game (the last 25) over again and keep it if you wish. This can be a hilarious tool for reliving old memories or for analyzing battle strategies.
A file-share feature allows all these things to be shared with any other player, so thats a huge plus also.

I'd say those extra features are what really saved Halo 3 and gave it tons of needed replay value. Without them, it would have definitely fallen into the 7 range.

Yea, nice review... The next game in a series always needs to improve on the campaign and stuff, ect., but in order to be as good as it's predecessor it most importantly needs to add a lot of features
Great review diezoberflote, thanks for being unbiased too *I had to delete a Halo 3 review two weeks ago that reaad "OMG HALO 3 IS TEH BEST GAME EVER OMG OMG TEH AWESOME MASTER CHIEF PWNS ALL!!!"...it was rather sad :D*.
I use 5 sensitivity for H3 and its fine with me (H2 was a 6)...They reduced the auto aim making targeting your opponent more challengeing and enhancing the game. What i cant believe is why they would take out button combos such as BXR. Bungie gave into those pesky...how we say noobs and took them out. BRs for life!
Halo really isn't my thing. It's pretty fun but I am not a big first person shooter fan. My favorite one though is the original doom.
Yeah I miss all those old games for nintendo. and sega genesis. that is one of my most favorite systems. They were the best and the games were amazing and so much fun. who cares if the graphics are bad? you can still play them and have a good time.