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Hidden Skill Teacher *Small spoilers*


So guys, who's beaten TP yet. Or at least gotten all of the hidden skills. I have done both and from what the teacher says i think that he's the Original Link from OoT. What do you say?
Re: Hidden Skill Teacher

Yea, I believe that too. I believe it because...

He appears as a wolf even in the twilight and only those blessed by the gods can not be turned into spirits (well, other than the Twilit).
Re: Hidden Skill Teacher

He calls Link 'my child' when he teaches you the last skill. This, and other signs throughout the games, shows that the Links are of one bloodline throughout the timeline. Not only is he Link from OoT, he is also TP Link's ancestor.
Re: Hidden Skill Teacher

Not necessarily because 'my child' could refer to just as link being his student because that is a way of expressing him being link's sensei or teacher. But you could be right on the other hand.
Even if there was a bloodline, the WW Link is not included because the boat said that he wasn't

Sorry bout that I just thought of it. I do agree with both of you though. It is one of those great mysteries. Like why people are still looking for the Triforce in OoT.
If you look at the geography, Outset Island is Ordon Village post-flood. They match so well it's scary. A village divided by a river, a bridge leading to a forbidden forest (not to be confused with THE Forbidden Forest), houses in almost the same style, etc. The fine specifics are a bit off, but they're allowed to be as long as the big things are there. Geographiclly they match as well - they're both far south of the major city of the time (Castle Town relocated to Windfall).
I'll admit that the 'my child' thing is vauge, but why wouldn't there be a bloodline? The Links all come from around the same place, which slowly moves from game-to-game. Either the random child always coincidentally comes from the southern end of Hyrule (odds against) or there's a connection. And what's this that the boat said?
I don't think the Hero's Spirit is the OoT Link as he said something to the effect that he wasn't able to fulfill his destiny or something like that. Not to mention the fact that Link never wore that kind of armor. Considering how much time there is between OoT & TP however, it could be safe to assume that the Hero's Spirit could be a generation after OoT or so, but still carry on Link's bloodline.

Also, the King of Red Lions merely said that Link APPEARED to have no connection with the Hero of Time. He could be wrong.
i can agree with you about the destiny thing. but maybe the designer's just wanted to give the hidden skill teacher a different look to allow the gamers to ponder on who he might be after the gamer acquires all 7 skills as a bonus. like we're all doing right now.
in windwaker, it says that the link in that game is not a descendant by the boat, but then, the sheild link's grandmother gives you says it was used by the legendary hero and passed down through the family. and then also, the sheild looks nothing like the hylian sheild.