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Holy froot loops!!!!! We're in iceleand!!!!

Link and Navi

HEY, everyone, as the thread obviously entails- were in Iceland! Holy sheik! If anyone is alive out there, they should dare to ask WHAT we had to sacrifice and HOW we got through customs.
Re: Holy froot loops!!!!! Were in iceleand!!!!

are you actually in Iceland? because I think you're lying.

there, I replied to your post. happy?

OH, by the way... you forgot an apostrophe in your thread title. poor grammar kills bunnies.
Re: Holy froot loops!!!!! Were in iceleand!!!!

grab me some ice while you're there! or is iceland that stupid one that they named iceland, but its actually really nice there?
Re: Holy froot loops!!!!! Were in iceleand!!!!

Greenland is the more icy one.

Why would Iceland customs be hard to get through? What the hell are you gonna do, blow up a pine tree?
we are in iceleand, and thank you for replying, Takk Firyr. we came because my parent is researching the aluminum(spelling sucks) smelters, and because it is Iceleand. we had to sacrifice everything except the few things we could fit into two suitcases(AAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHH! I cant spell today), we only get 2 suitcases per person.