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How many homes does John McCain own?

If somebody knows, they should probably let him know. In a recent interview, John McCain was asked how many homes he owned, to which he replied: "I think — I'll have my staff get to you."


According to his staff, it's four, however other estimates places the number at at least seven. If a candidate who constantly promises economic responsibility can't even keep track of how many homes he owns, can he be trusted to provide it?
well global warming advoate al gore owns 4 homes which are heated and or A/Ced to be about 70 degrees at all times even when vaccent and his own private jet so realy who cares?
well global warming advoate al gore owns 4 homes which are heated and or A/Ced to be about 70 degrees at all times even when vaccent and his own private jet so realy who cares?

How is that relevant to the topic? If McCain can't even remember how many homes he owns then can he be trusted to act effectively as commander in chief? Are we going to have another administration where the standard answser to a question is "I do not recall"?

I also find this hilarious coming from the campaign that has been trying to paint Obama as an elitist.
I hate Al Gore...

John McCain should stop buying homes. I don't think anyone should own more than 1 house, especially if they're running for office (although that doesn't seem to stop anyone).

Anyway, isn't this more gossip than politics? The line isn't too clear but...
How is that relevant to the topic? If McCain can't even remember how many homes he owns then can he be trusted to act effectively as commander in chief? Are we going to have another administration where the standard answser to a question is "I do not recall"?

I also find this hilarious coming from the campaign that has been trying to paint Obama as an elitist.

What about the fact Obama had help from a criminal to pay for his one million dollar house? Who cares if he has a bunch of houses, good for him.

I hate Al Gore...

John McCain should stop buying homes. I don't think anyone should own more than 1 house, especially if they're running for office (although that doesn't seem to stop anyone).

Anyway, isn't this more gossip than politics? The line isn't too clear but...

It is clear to me. It's gossip. Who cares.
YA i agree with everyone else. who cares if MCCain owns a couple of houses. does that mean he is not fit to run the country? no it doesn't. also, did anyone ask obama how many houses he owns? At least MCCain paid for his houses with his money unlike obama who used tax payers money and help from a criminal. I am agreeing with everyone else, Its gossip, not politics.
It means McCain is a rich jerk who has a bunch of houses while so many others have none. I feel the same way about people who own more cars than people in their household. They have more things than they need and they don't care about others who have nothing. It makes me sick and people like this should not be in office.
There were years when this guy's home was a prison cell.
ya in vietnam... he was tortured there and he cant lift up has arms anymore because of the damage that was inflicted on him. so good for him for re building his life and that should be a reason why he is fit to be commander and chief.
ya in vietnam... he was tortured there and he cant lift up has arms anymore because of the damage that was inflicted on him. so good for him for re building his life and that should be a reason why he is fit to be commander and chief.
So what now every POW should be president? Everyone that was tortured in Vietnam should be elected as president 50 years later because they took some damage, is that what you're saying? I think people need to seriously calm down on the whole POW thing, A LOT OF PEOPLE WERE IN VIETNAM.
So what now every POW should be president? Everyone that was tortured in Vietnam should be elected as president 50 years later because they took some damage, is that what you're saying? I think people need to seriously calm down on the whole POW thing, A LOT OF PEOPLE WERE IN VIETNAM.

But not all of them did what he did there. He was offered the chance to go home and turned it down.
There were years when this guy's home was a prison cell.

You've touched on something interesting here. As the campaign has gone on, I've heard the fact the he was a POW being used as an excuse more and more often. It almost seems to have become a standard, knee-jerk reaction to any questioning or criticism of him. It has been used by his own campaign, his surrogates, and other supporters as a response for everything from not being able to remember how many homes he owns, to the fact that he cheated on his first wife.

My question is, how often can he play the POW card, without cheapening not just his own experience, but the experience of all other U.S. POW's?
You've touched on something interesting here. As the campaign has gone on, I've heard the fact the he was a POW being used as an excuse more and more often. It almost seems to have become a standard, knee-jerk reaction to any questioning or criticism of him. It has been used by his own campaign, his surrogates, and other supporters as a response for everything from not being able to remember how many homes he owns, to the fact that he cheated on his first wife.

My question is, how often can he play the POW card, without cheapening not just his own experience, but the experience of all other U.S. POW's?

Yeah maybe all of the POW's should run for President. I doubt they have the money that McCain has though.