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How to get more people in chat

Capt. Zeroth

Well, this isn't so much of a site suggestion as much as a community suggestion:

If you notice, there is NEVER any one in the chat room, but you may find that there are many people logged onto the forum. Why? This is my theory:

*Log onto forum
*See 7 people online
*Log onto chat
*See 0 people online
*Log out

That last step, "log out," is the problem. If every one does that same procedure, there will NEVER be any one in chat! Here's what we must do! If you log in to chat, stay in there and open another window to do your browsing. If some one enters the room, it makes a nice noise to inform you!

This has been a Zeroth public service anouncement.
I can confirm this theory, I have the chat logs to prove it :D.

By default the chatroom will alert you with a welcome sound when someone enters the chatroom. If you leave the chatroom open in one tab and continue your work in other tabs you will be ready for when someone else enters the room. Unless you are a bad child and turned off the sound announcements, you should hear people coming. You can also right click the in the main chat window to see a set of sound options, one of which will enable a "bloop" sound when someone posts a message.
Well ive never got my volume on so I never hear when anyone goes on... also, I like to close my laptop which logs me out. But I guess I can try this procedure. I always log into the chatroom when ppl are online just to see if anyone's in there but no one ever is.
I log into the forums, but I almost never log into the chatroom. The main reason is that I'm doing something else, and I don't feel like having java run in the background. And I always turn off the sound in the chatroom, so I don't have to hear an annoying sound over my music when someone enters or something.

Just advertise "Free porno! Click here!"

That should get some people into the chatroom