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Hyrule Warriors?


I' sure you've all seen the trailer by this point. I'm not sure how I feel about Nintendo licensing Zelda out in this way. I keep getting bad memories of the CD-i games. What do you all think of this? If you haven't seen the video I've posted it below. It does look cool...but I'm nervous to see a samurai style Link.

It looks interesting, but I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'll probably be one of the people to get a copy just out of pure curiosity! =D

At least from the trailer it looks like they are doing a good job of incorporating enemies from varies time periods in the Zelda Universe, which is a nice twist. Frankly the graphics don't look that all together for a game on the WiiU, but it's still early in development so hopefully that will change when the final game is released.
The leak has been out for some time, I didn't want to say anything because Ive pretty much been a zs Wh$&# ^^ anyways, its probably going to sell like hotcakes. there is a huge target audience for dynasty warriors, so this should go over pretty well, as well as quell the Zelda fans till Zelda u comes out.