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Hey this is my first post so hi guys.

So anyway who else wants to see hyrule get un-flooded in future zelda games? Hyrule's been a cool place so far and it would be kind of lame if it just stays underwater for the rest of the series.
Yeah, I myself was not veryhappy with Hyrule being flooded. Then again Nintendo has always put something in these games for a reason. They may be planning something over there. I would like to see Hyrule again though. It's the place that won my heart the first time I popped in a Zelda game :).
Who knows. For all we know Miyamoto and Mr A are really the only ones that know this for sure. What I would find just hilarious is if they didn't even know how the heck these games fit together :D.
I think flooding Hyrule was a great idea. Not only did it give the zelda games a change in scenery, but it was an interesting twist in the storyline (maybe Twilight Princess will reveal why Hyrule was flooded.) Plus it was a great marketing scheme. Having games repeat the same realm over and over again gets boring. Would Twilight Princess really be this popular if the previous game (WW) wasn't a bit of flop?

Would we all be this excited?