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I made fan media


The Webmaster
Yea, I had nothing better to do with my life, so I sat in front of my Powerbook for two hours and made this :).

Download, enjoy, give me some feedback :). This was the first time I've tried to make some form of Zelda music, so don't kill me if you hate it.
This is phenomenal people. This is really cool, and I enjoyed listening to it VERY MUCH. This is now on my I-pod, as it is freakin awesome, I gave it 5/5 stars. Awesome job, Bob.:D

It's an mp4 file, so WMP and Quicktime should be able to run it with ease, along with RealPlayer *untested*. If you still can't get it to work, you my friend have a strange laptop :). I'll see what I can do if it still won't work. I can send the aif file, but of course, this is far larger in size.
It's an mp4 file, so WMP and Quicktime should be able to run it with ease, along with RealPlayer *untested*. If you still can't get it to work, you my friend have a strange laptop :). I'll see what I can do if it still won't work. I can send the aif file, but of course, this is far larger in size.
I used realplayer and it worked.
It's an mp4 file, so WMP and Quicktime should be able to run it with ease, along with RealPlayer *untested*. If you still can't get it to work, you my friend have a strange laptop :). I'll see what I can do if it still won't work. I can send the aif file, but of course, this is far larger in size.
Horray for QuickTime! Free downloads for everyone!

Oh, and nice arrangement. Timpany often gets downplayed, what a shame...