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It's been 375 years since Galileo was forced to recant heliocentrism...

On this day 375 years ago, Galileo Galilei was forced to recant his claim that the Earth revolved around the Sun.

In 1633 after standing trial for charges of heresy, Galileo was required to repudiate the opinion that the Sun lies motionless at the centre of the universe, and that the Earth is not at its center and moves; the idea that the Sun is stationary was condemned as "formally heretical"; Galileo's books on the subject were all banned; and Galileo was forced to spend the remainder of his life under house arrest. It would be centuries until this position would be abbandoned.

At the time, those who argued against Galileo, his theory, and his arguments in support of it, used quotes from the Bible to do so, including:
"the world is firmly established, it cannot be moved."
"the LORD set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved."
"And the sun rises and sets and returns to its place"

Today, many modern conflicts seem to mirror this. In the United States, a majority of people still believe in the idea of creationism over evolution, with many of them still believing that the Earth is only several thousand years old. The supporters of the views, when faced with the overwhelming evidence against them, defend their position by quoting the Bible. In other fields science is routinely thrown out when it conflicts with current beliefs, a prime example being the debate over global warming.

The question is, in these 375 years have we truly progressed with regards to our view of science.
Well, at least on a global scale science seems to have become a much more acceptable explanation for how the world works. There are, however, a lot of really crazy people in our world that insist some of the stupidest things you can imagine that completely contradict what science tells us (some of them are pretty sketchy so to avoid argument I'm not going to post specific examples although we can all come up with a few...and you listed a few anyway).

Some of the religious groups you mention have embraced science though. Like, I'm pretty sure at one point the Pope declared that evolution was a fact and that the process of evolution was started by God. I don't have a link for that but I remember it being mentioned on this forum several times.