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Karma and the Shop

Capt. Zeroth

Well, with my month off from Zelda Sages, I've traveled the world and seen many other forums. In one, there were two very interesting aspects: A Karma system and a Shop.

AKA: Reputation
In this other forum, there was a system of karma. Any one could give karma to anyone as long as they had over 20 posts. Karma is simply a rating on how much a user is liked throughout the forum. If a great post was made giving info on upcoming Wii games, I could award this person 1 karma point. Now if this person instead spammed, I could deduct 1 karma point.

Karma is awarded anonymously and can not be done twice by the same person within 1 hour. It is not uncommon for n00bs to have negative karma. I think it is a much better system rather than post count, although both can be displayed.

The Shop:
My other forum had this, also. It was a shop based around forum 'credits' in which you got 8 credits for posting and 10 for starting a new thread. Be noted, that is not a lot of money at all. At the moment on this other forum, I have 5670.1 credits. (I'm almost on the list of top 10 richest!) There is a daily intrest of 2%.

With this money, you can buy items from the shop that can boost karma by a lot, lower other peoples karma by a lot, and do nothing at all. You can buy and trade items with other people, and send money. This is not what the shop is generally used for. There is a board called 'The Market Place' in which anyone may make and sell sigs, avatars, wallpapers, food, anything! This other forum is based around a game with customizable in-game things. I make and sell this sort of stuff. I also set up a lottery :D I suggest making collectible items in the shop.

Now for the advantages of these things. There could be contest where money or karma are awarded. It would add more interactivity to these forums. Best of all, as I believe, bob, these forum mods are free. I do not know, though if vBulletin supports these, though.

Bob, the other forum uses simple machines and the shop is powered by SMFShop 2.3(Build 11). If you can get this working, It would be great. If not, why not set up a second forum used only for the market place powered by simple machines?

Captain Zeroth
Interesting ... can you tell us a little more about the forum, like what is it based upon?
It is based on the multi-player turn based strategy fighting game called Toribash. The only way to really describe it is this:
Toribash is a turn-based fighting game. Create your own martial arts movies in
single player sandbox mode, or join the competition in the multi player modes.

Focus is on tactics rather than reaction and button mashing. The game features
physics, full dismemberment, decapitation and comic style blood.
VB has a karma/reputation system built in, however we have chosen not to enable it. We though far too many people would complain, we'd have to remove karma, and loads of other things to"boost" karma points.

As for the shop, we had that about a year ago. Of course, not many people made any use of it.

We only have so much room per-database to store everything too. Zelda Sages is divided up amoungst three seperate databases, of course, interlinked. Although I could split the forum into two databases, I don't have the experiance to do such a thing at the time being :).
Cool... i like the idea but being able to deduct points from another person is unfair... people who hate eachother would do it all the time lol
That is not so much of a problem, animal, as you can only smite a the same person once per hour. Who wants to log on every hour just to smite some one 1 point? And if thats what you want to do, you would do it for some reason, I'm sure, and thats the point of karma in the first place.
It would be interseting to see what everyone overall thinks about the members of our community... But I think for now at least, the forum is just fine the way it is.
One of the things I enabled when redoing ranks about two months ago was thread ratings. When you reach the rank of Hero of Time, you can rate threads by other members via the thread ratings menu in each thread *if enabled for that forum*. I thought this was a better move than karma, only because karma would affect user status ;).
Webmasterbob said:
One of the things I enabled when redoing ranks about two months ago was thread ratings. When you reach the rank of Hero of Time, you can rate threads by other members via the thread ratings menu in each thread *if enabled for that forum*. I thought this was a better move than karma, only because karma would affect user status ;).

Meh, I disagree. No one really looks at the thread ratings. Please, Bob! Just for a week or so! If its good, it can stay! Send me the images now, and I'll zelda-fy them. :)'))
Improvments can always be made. Like an MMO, a forum is a constantly evolving and changing being. The status quo is never enough.
Ok Capt, here's what I'll do. I'll send you the image files, etc and enable the system for a week trial. If all is going well, I'll let it stay in. Of course, if all hell breaks free...well you get the idea :).

Zeroth, you need to update your E-mail :). The E-mail asosiated with your account is still the zeldasages one from when you worked here over two years ago :p.
I think that Karma could be added, but as an extra, not affecting our actual position. Maybe you could use a Karma point to purchase a ... say 5-10 post increase?
Karma is totally seperate from posts. The two systems do not interface at all. Some privlidges are based on karma, while others are based on post count. There is no overlap between the two. The whole point of the system is to offer extra bonuses to the well-liked and frequent users.
Improvments can always be made. Like an MMO, a forum is a constantly evolving and changing being. The status quo is never enough.

I know this has been inactive for a while, but the man has a point. We should have a trial period for it. I mean the forum is the only extremely good thing on this site so far, so why not improve it to bring in more people?