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KH2 Avatar for me


Hope Never Dies
OK, I will be taking suggestions for avatars for when I reach a certain point on ZS. The only requirement is that it has something to do with Kingdom Hearts 2. Thanks for all of your help.

~ UltimaLink007


And also, how about my idea for an animation of Roxas Pullin out the Two Keyblades while in the Cloak.
I despise anti-form. It doesn't fit me, and it was the cause of 2 of the times I lost to Demyx...Dance water, dance! *shudders*

The Roxas pulling the keyblades is an awesome idea... I have come up with an idea, but it's not that good... Sora turning into final form... but the roxas one sounds better...
I will be taking Slyguy's suggestion about black robed Roxas pulling Oathkeeper and Oblivion...that's a great idea... Oh Zeroth...........