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Lets speak in code.

Capt. Zeroth

Don't delete this, its not spam. If you know anything about ciphering, this can be decoded with no other aid than the text in front of you:

Nz php fmkzms csy yxhn dsnnfcs
Hy nxzowp xfvs issm sfnk

This is a simple substitution cipher. Each letter is randomly paired with its decoded letter.
The letter E statistically is the most common letter in the English language.
The first word (Nz) could be what? Is, It, Or, So, If, etc...

If you really can't get it, this website http://scottbryce.com/cryptograms/index.htm has a lot of good info! With a handy solving tool!
Don't delete this, its not spam. If you know anything about ciphering, this can be decoded with no other aid than the text in front of you:

Nz php fmkzms csy yxhn dsnnfcs
Hy nxzowp xfus issm sfnk

This is a simple substitution cipher. Each letter is randomly paired with its decoded letter.
The letter E statistically is the most common letter in the English language.
The first word (Nz) could be what? Is, It, Or, So, If, etc...
So did anyone get this message
It should have been easy
Edy mzxz xljbg szxdgb.
Gbhg mhr zhrlzx gbhd h qlcz-wdffhx mbdxz.
Edy mzxz xljbg szxdgb.
Gbhg mhr zhrlzx gbhd h qlcz-wdffhx mbdxz.
You were right, Zeroth! That was easier than a five-dollar whore!

 In astrofisica si definisce buco nero un corpo celeste estremamente denso, dotato di un'attrazione
 gravitazionale talmente elevatay da non permettere l'allontanamento di alcunché dalla propria
 superficie. Questa condizione si hottiene quando la velocità di fuga dalla sua superficie è superiore
 alla velocità della luce. Un corpo celeste con questa proprietà risulterebbe invisibile e la sua

(1, 12) (1, 3) (1, 2)
(2, 30) (4, 8) (3, 2)
(2,1) (3, 4) (2, 15)
(1, 5) (3, 29) (1, 1) (3, 1)
(4, 8) (3, 19) (1, 17)
Took me a bit to realize what to do, but once I cracked the code I got it:

can you get this one

I'm not going to make a code myself, I'm horrible at it. So you guys can continue. I'll just try to figure them out :).
yoyolll complained about people not posting. so I'm posting. go spam!

Eh, I have an old encoding system in one of these comp sci doodles, let's see how it works...

Ok, MAJOR props if anyone can get this one, and it's actually a simplified version of the original.



Heh, not THAT easy, but here's a guide: read it in as hex, convert to binary, apply a (non)square encoding, then return to English. See, I didn't even parse it into ancient Latin beforehand! Piece of cake!
Or not! :p