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Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon


I just picked up Dark Moon, and I have to say it is really awesome! I'm very impressed with how much detail Nintendo put into the game, and it really is exceptionally fun! I almost wish this was the game that was launched with the Gamecube back in 2001. I'm on the second mansion so far, so I'm not really far into the game. Still, there are already some great surprises I've come accross, won't spil them here though!

My only negative so far, I wish I could explore a bit more on my own. I mean, you can explore on your own and just avoid your objective, but you can't very easily go into old mansions to look around for extra secrets. Maybe that's an option later in the game, not sure yet.

Has anyone else picked up the game yet and/or planning to? If so, what do you all think?
Like I said, I don't have a 3DS and I'm not into Mario. I watched the IGN review and it does look funny. I wish Nintendo would be more willing to make more open worlds. It seems like they are fixed on making games where you are really guided recently and it's getting really annoying.

Sorry if that was a little off topic, but I just thought I'd throw that in because you talked about a mission structure thing
My only negative so far, I wish I could explore a bit more on my own.

If I played it, I'd have the same problem if that's true.